Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/218

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I. CH. 126 . 1928 .

167 DIVISION OF APPOINTMENTS Salaries : For the chief of the division and other personal service Chief of division, and • in the District of Columbia, in accordance with the Classification Act

personnel . of 1923, $59,000 . OFFICE OF DISBURSING CLERK . Disbu rsin g cle rk, a nd Salaries : For the d isburs ing cl erk an d othe r pers onal se rvices in office personnel . the District of Columbia, in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $53,500 . CUSTOM S SERVI CE Col le cti ng cust oms For collecting the revenue from customs, for the detection and revenue, etc . prevention of frauds upon the customs revenue, and not to exceed $10,000 for the securing of evidence of violations of the customs laws, including not to exceed $5,000 for the hire of motor-propelled pas- senger-carrying vehicles, $18,940,000, of which such amount as may be necessary shall be available for salaries of general appraisers and justices of the United States Customs Court retired under the pro Cus tom s - tices. vision s of s ection 518 o f the Tariff Act of 1922, and $ 169,80 0 shal l Vol.42,p.073. be available for personal services in the District of Columbia exclu- tr strvioes in the Dis- sive of eight persons from the field force authorized to be detailed Vol.42,p.975. under section 525 of the Tariff Act of 1922 : Provided That not to Adva •' nces to disburs- exceed $10,000 of the total amount appropriated shall be available ing officers . for advances to be made by disbursing officers when authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury, the provisions of section 3648 of the Revised Statutes to the contrary notwithstanding . Scales for cu stoms servic e : For construction and installation of spec ial a utoma tic a nd r ecord ing s cale s for weig hing merc handi se, and so forth, in connection with imports at the various ports of entry under direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, including not to exceed $4,400 for personal services in the District of Columbia, $90,000 .

Compensation in lieu Compe nsati on in lie u of moiet ies : For compensation in lieu of of moieties . moieties in certain cases under the customs laws, $150,000 . BUR EAU OF THE BUD GET Director, $10,000 ; Assistant Director, $7,500 ; for all other neces- sary exp enses of t he b ureau , inc ludin g co mpens ation of attor neys and other employees in the District of Columbia in accordance with "The Classification Act of 1923" ; contract stenographic reporting services, telegrams, telephone service, law books, books of reference, periodicals, stationery, furniture, office equipment, other supplies, traveling expenses, street-car fares, $138,500 ; in all, $156,000 . For printing and binding, $27,000 . FEDE RAL FARM LOA N BUREAU SALARIES AND EXPENSES For six members of the board, at $10,000 each ; personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field ; traveling expenses of the members of the board and its officers and employees ; contingent and m iscell aneous expen ses, i ncludi ng law books, books of re ferenc e, periodicals, newspapers, and maps ; contract stenographic reporting services, and expert services for the preparation of amortization tables ; examination of national farm-loan associations ; and for the Appointments Divi- sion. Customs Service. court jus- R.S.,see. 3648, p.718. Automatic scales . Budget Bureau . Director, Assistant, personnel, and other expenses . Printing and bind- ing . Federa l Farm Lo an Bureau . Members of the Board, office and field personnel . Con tengent expenses .