368 SEC . 5 . That, upon receipt of the report of said commission, the Secretary of War be, an d he is hereb y, authorized and directed to acquire, by purchase, when purchasable at prices deemed by him reasonable, otherwise by condemnation, such tract or tracts of lands as are recommended by the commission as necessary and desirable for a national park ; to establish and substantially mark the bound- aries of the said park ; to definitely mark all lines of battle and locations of troops within the boundaries of the park and erect substantial historical tablets at such points within the park and in the vicinity of the park and its approaches as are recommended by the commission, together with such other points as the Secretary proviso . Cost limitation.
of War may deem ahpro1priate : Provided, That the entire cost of , acquiring said land, including cost of condemnation proceedings, if an y, asce rtainm ent of title, survey s, and compens ation for the land, the cost of marking the battle field, and the expenses of the com- mission, shall not exceed the sum of $50,000 . SEC . 6. That, upon the ceding of jurisdiction by the Legislature of the State of Tennessee and the report of the Attorney General of the United States that a perfect title has been acquired, the lands acquired under the provisions of this Act, together with the area alre ady incl osed wit hin the nati onal cem eter y at the bat tle fiel d of Fort Donelson, are hereby declared to be a national park, to be known as the Fort Donelson National Parkk control of Se cretary of War.
SEC. 7. That th e said Fort D onelson Nation al Park shall be under the control of the Secretary of War, and he is hereby authorized to Super inte ndent , make all needed regulations for the care of the park. The superin- tendent of the Fort Donelson National Cemetery shall likewise be the superintendent of and have the custody and care of the Fort Donel son Na tional Park , unde r the direct ions of the Secre tary of War. Agreements with l resent ho lde rs of SEC . 8 . Tha t the Secreta ry of War is h ereby authori zed to enter ands, for protection into agreements, upon such nominal terms as he may prescribe, with thereof, etc. such present owners of the land as may desire to remain upon it, to occupy and cultivate their present holdings, upon condition that they will preserve the present buildings and roads, and the present outlines of field and forest, and that they will only cut trees or underbrush u nder such reg ulations as t he Secretary m ay prescribe, and that they will assist in caring for and protecting all tablets, monuments, or such other artificial works as may from time to time States may mark be erected by proper authority. lines of battle of their
SEC . 9 . That it shall be lawful for the authorities of any State tro ops .
having troops engaged in the Battle of Fort Donelson to enter upon the lands and approaches of the Fort Donelson National Park for the purpose of ascertaining and marking the lines of battle of troops proviso .
engaged therein : Provided, That before any such lines are perma- Marki ng, etc., sub- ject to approval of see- nently designated, the position of the lines and the proposed methods retary of war.
of marking them by monuments, tablets, or otherwise shall be submitted to the Secretary of War and shall first receive the written approval of the Secretary . Penalty for destroy- ing
SEC. 10. That if an y person shall willfully destroy, mutilate, deface , injuring, etc., prop-
o erty. injure, or remove any monument, column, statue, memorial structure, or work of art that shall be erected or placed upon the grounds of the park by lawful authority, or shall willfully destroy or remove any fence, railing, inclosure, or other work for the protection or ornament of said park, or any portion thereof, or shall willfully destroy, cut, hack, bark, break down, or otherwise injure any tree, bush, or shrubbery that may be growing upon said park, or shall cut down or fell or remove any timber, battle relic, tree, or trees growing or being upon such park, except by permission of the Sec- Ac luiring lands by purchase or condemna- tion. Establishment, etc., as a national military park . Upon cession of juris- diction by Tennessee, etc ., to be Fort Donel- son National Park . SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 248. 1928.