Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/423

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372 SEVENTIETH C ONGRESS . SESS. I . CHs . 253-256 . 1928 . law s and regulations of the United States, and not perfected by entry and payment, but subsisting in full force and effect in so far as compliance with the requirements of the said mineral land and mining laws and regulations are concerned, shall, notwithstanding Continuance of the fact that five years may have elapsed since the location of any claims .

claim, continue in full force and effect, without any diminution what- soever of the right, title, or interest on account of failure to make Provisos .

entry and payment within five years from the date of the location . Not ap pli cab le c ble to of such claim : Provided, That the extension of time hereby granted shall not apply to mineral lands of coal, oil, and gas : And provided Placer locations. furth er, That thi s Ac t-sh all not be c onst rued as revi ving any pla cer mineral location which has lost its validity because of failure to comply with the Federal and State laws ." Approved, March 27, 1928 . March 27, 1928. [H. R.7932.]

CHAP. 254.-An Act To authorize appropriations for construction at military [Public, No. 193 .1

posts, and fo r other purp oses . Schofleld Barracks, Be it enacted by t he Senate and House of Repr esentatives of the Hawaii .

United States o f America in Congress assembled, That there is Constructi on of hereby authori zed to be app ropriated not to exceed $65,000, to be nurses' quarters auth- orized at.

expended for the construction and installation at Schofield Barracks, Post, p . 926.

Hawaii, of nurses' quarters and utilities and appurtenances thereto . Approved, March 27, 1928 March 27, 1928 . [H. R. 8824.]

CHAP. 255 .-An Act To provide for the protection of the watershed within [P ub li c, [Public'-No .194.]- the Carson National Fore st from which water is obtained for the Taos Pueblo, New Mexico . Withd Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the rands .

United States of America in Congress assembled, That upon recom- withdrawal directed of lands within water- mendation of the Secretary of the Interior, the President of the shed of Rio Pueblo de U nited States be, a nd he is he reby, autho rized to wit hdraw by Ta os, N. Mex. Executive order or proclamation, from any or all forms of entry or app ropriation un der the land laws of the Un ited States, any lands of the United States within the watershed of the Rio Pueblo de Taos, Carso n National Fo rest, New Mexi co, from whic h the Indians of the Proriso.

Taos Pueblo obtain water for irrigation and domestic purposes Regulations for use Provided, Th at t he S ecre tary of Agri cult ure may, in his disc reti on, of lands, etc., to be promulgated . promulgate regulations to govern the use and occupancy of lands withdrawn under the provisions hereof, and to prtect aid lands from any act or co ndition which would impair the purity or volume of the water flowing therefrom . Approved, March 27, 1928 . March 27, 1928 . [H. J. Res. 211.1

CHAP. 256.-Joint Resolution To amend Public Resolution Numbered 65, [Pub. Res . 17.] approved March 3, 1925, authorizing the participation of the United States Government in the International Exposition to be held in Seville, Spain . Seville Exposition, Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Spain .

States o f America in Congress assembled, That appropriations here- Appropria tions for representation at, may tofore made or hereafter to be made under the authorization of Pub- be used for services in lie Resolution Numbered 65, approved March 3, 1925 (Forty-third the District, etc . Statutes, page 1256), to enable the Government of the United States Vol.43,p.1256


to participate in an International Exposition at Seville, Spain, may 44, p . 1191.

be expended on the certif icate of the Secretary of S tate that the employment of personal services in the District of Columbia or else-