SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHs. 362-364 . 1928 .
427 the people of the United States ; and the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of Commerce or their duly authorized representa- tives may cooperate with any department or agency of the Gov- ernment, any State, Territory, District, or possession or department, ag ency, or pol itical subdi vision there of, or any pe rson i n carr ying out the purposes of this Act in the District of Columbia and elsewhere . Approved, April 12, 1928 . Cooperation with de- partm ents, States, etc ., authorized . April 12, 1928. CHAP . 363 .-An Act To authorize the city of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, R1 . R . 465 .] - to sell certain public squares situated therein. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the city of Okl a. om a, city, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, be, and it is hereby, authorized, whenever "lay sell designated in its judgment the best interests of said city require such action, to public oic squares patent- sell the two tracts of land designated as public squares, in block 23 and block 62, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, or a ny portion thereof, patented to said city on January 10, 1919, for public purposes in accordance with the provisions of section 22 of the Act of May 2, 1890 (Twenty-sixth Statutes at Large, page 81), notwithstanding the restrictions contained in said Act : Provided, That the proceeds Proceeds for public from the sale of s aid tract s shall b e devoted by said city to t he public sch ool uses . purpose referred to in said section 22 of the said Act of May 2, 1890 . Approved, April 12, 1928 . [Public, No . 271 .] Vol.26, p. 92. April 12, 1928 . C H A P . 364 .-Joint Resolution Authoriz ing the Secretary of Agriculture to [S . J . R e s. 95 .] dispose of real property, located in Hernando County, Florida, known as the [Pub. Res., No.26.] Brooksville Plant Introduction Garden, no longer required for plant-introduction purposes . Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the ecr etary of Agriculture be, and he is hereby, authorized to sell, or cause to be sold at private sale, to the Hernando Tobacco Company, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida, for the consideration of $2, being the amount originally paid by the Government to the said Hernando Tobacco Company for the lands hereinafter men- tioned , all that t ract o r parc el of land si tuate in Her nando County , Florida, ordinarily referred to as the Brooksville Plant Introduction Garden, and more particularly described as follows : The south half sout hwest quar ter south west quar ter o f sec tion 30, towns hip 22 sou th, ra nge 20 east, conta ining twenty acres, more or les s ; an d the entir e por tion of t he no rth h alf south west quar ter s outhw est quarter of section 30, township 22 south, range 20, which lies south of and adjacent to the county road running through said section and township, consisting of fifteen acres, more or less, in the county of Hernando, State of Florida ; together with the buildings and improvements thereon, which said tract or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements aforesaid, is no longer needed for plant- introduction purposes, and to execute and deliver in the name of the United States and in its behalf any and all the contracts, convey- ances, or other instruments necessary to effectuate and complete such sale. SEc. 2 . That the net proceeds from the sale of the aforesaid property be deposited in the Treasury of the United States . Approved, April 12, 1928 . 54S35•--21 -PT 1-3 1 Brook svill e Pl ant I n- troduction Gar den , Fla. Sale of, to Hernando Tobacco Company au- thorized . Description . Deposit of proceeds .