Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/609

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558 Pralso. Buildings, e tc . Chief of Bureau, and office personnel . Specific investi- tions. Fruits, Japanese and Asiatic beetles, etc . Tropical, etc ., plants, Parlatoria date scale, etc . Truck crops, etc . Gypsy and brown- tail moths, etc. Cer eal and forage crops, Europ ean corn borer, etc. Cotton, pi nk boll- worm. Man and dom es tic animals . Stored products. Usefu l ins ects, ins ect- pest survey . Bee c ultu re . Balance available . Vol .44,p . 517. Services in the Dis- trict. Biological Survey Bureau . General expenses . Salaries, supplies, etc . Chief of Bureau, and office personnel. Re servations for game. P rotec tion of bird preserves . Vol.35,p. 1104. Da m, Cold Springs Creek . Proviso. Game purchase, etc . North Ame ri can birds and animals. Food habits investi- gations, etc. SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I. CIi. 572. 1928 . and other buildings : Provided, That the cost of any such building shall not exceed $1,500, as follows For gen eral a dminis trativ e purp oses, includi ng the salar y of c hief of bureau and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $81 ,458 . For insec ts affect ing decid uous frui ts, grape s, and nu ts, and i nclud- ing research on the Japanese and Asiatic beetles, $324,500. For insects affecting tropical, subtropical, and ornamental plants and i ncludi ng res earch on the Parla toria d ate sc ale an d the Medite r- ranean and other fruit flies, $113,000 . For insects affecting truck and garden crops and including insects affecting tobacco and sugar beets, $232,500 . For ins ects a ffecti ng for ests a nd inc luding resear ch on the gy psy and brown-tail moths, $185,000 . For insects affecting cereal and forage crops, including sugar cane and rice, and including research on the European corn borer, $438,740 . For insects affecting cotton and including research on the pink bollworm of cotton, $280,000, of which $10,000 shall be immediately available. For insects affecting man and domestic animals, $80,180 . For insects affecting stored products, $51,900 . For taxonomy and interrelations of insects, and including the importation and exchange of useful insects and an insect pest survey, $130,0 00 . For bee culture, $49,380, together with $3,000 of the unexpended balance of the appropriation for this purpose for the fiscal year 1927. Total, Bureau of Entomology, $1,966,658, of which amount not to exceed $35 1,30 0 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY SAL ARIE S AND G ENER AL E XPE NSES For salaries and employment of labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere, furniture, supplies, including the purchase of bags, tags, and la bels p rinted in th e cour se of m anufac ture, travel ing an d all ot her ex penses neces sary i n cond ucting invest igatio ns and carry - ing out the work of the bureau, as follows : For necessary expenses for general administrative purposes, includ- ing the salary of chief of bureau and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $68,500 . For the maintenance of the Montana National Bison Range and other reservations and for the maintenance of game introduced into suitable localities on public lands, under supervision of the Biological Survey, including construction of fencing, wardens' quarters, shelters for anima ls, landi ngs, road s, trails , bridges , ditches , telepho ne lines, rockwork, bulkheads, and other improvements necessary for the economical administration and protection of the reservations, and for the enforcement of sectio n 84 of the Act approved March 4, 1909, entitled "An Act to codify, revise, and amend the penal laws of the Uni ted St ates," $99,000, o f wh ic h s um $30,000 shall be available for inc rease of the water suppl y by t he cons tructi on of a dam across Cold Springs Creek : Provided, That $2,500 may be used for the purchase, capture, and transportation of game for national reservations. For investigating the food habits of North American birds and other animals in relation to agriculture, horticulture, and forestry ; for investigations, experiments, and demonstrations in connection with rearing fur-bearing animals ; for experiments, demonstrations,