Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/627

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 580 . 1928 . Board of Tax Ap-

BOARD OF TAX APPEALS peals . Allexpenns336 .

For every expenditure requisite for and incident to the work of Vol.44,p. 105 . the Board of Tax Appeals as authorized under Title IX, section 900, of the Revenue Act of 1924, approved June 2, 1924, as amended by Title X of the Revenue Act of 1926, approved February 26, 1926, including personal services and contract stenographic reporting services to be obtained by renewal of existing contract, or otherwise, rent at the seat of government and elsewhere, traveling expenses, car fare, stationery, furniture, office equipment, purchase and exchange of typewriters, law books and books of reference, periodi- services in the Dis- cals, and all other necessary supplies, $682,740, of which amount not trict.

to exceed $511,940 may be expended for personal services in the Rentrestriction . District of Columbia : Provided, That this appropriation shall not be available for rent of buildings in the District of Columbia if sui table spa ce is prov ided by t he Pu blic Buil dings Comm issi on . ing rinting and bind- For all printing and binding for the Board of Tax Appeals, $38,000. Total, Board of Tax Appeals, $720,740 . Efficiency Bureau .

BURE AU OF EFFIC IENCY Chief of Bureau, and office personnel .

For chief of bureau and other personal services in the District Expenses,

of Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923 ; 7 contract stenographic reporting services ; contingent expenses, includ- traveling expenses ; supplies, stationery ; purchase and exchange equipment ; not to exceed $100 for law books, books of reference, Services in the Dis- and periodicals ; and not to exceed $150 for street-car fare ; in all trict.

$210,000, of which amount not to exceed $202,540 may be expended Printing and bind- for personal services in the District of Columbia . fng .

For all printing and binding for the Bureau of Efficiency, $350 . Inv est ig ati ons ex- That the duties and powers of the Bureau of Efficiency prescribed tended to District mu- nicipal government . by law with reference to investigations in the executive departments and independent establishments of the Federal Government are hereby extended to include the municipal government of the District of Columbia. Total, Bureau of Efficiency, $210,350. civic service corn- mission.

CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Comm issi oners , an d Salaries : For three commissioners, at $7,500 each per annum, and office personnel .

other personal services in the District of Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $578,160 . Field force .

Field force : For salaries of the field force, $334,000 . Details from depart- N o det ails from any execu tive depa rtmen t or inde pende nt es tab- ments,etc" in the Dis- trict forbidden . lishment in the District of Columbia or elsewhere to the commission's central office in Washington or to any of its district offices shall be made during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1929

but this shall not

affect the making of details for service as members of boards of examin ers ou tside the im mediat e offi ces of the di strict secre taries . Emergency transfers The Civil Service Commission shall have power in case of emergency of office and field w ork . t o trans fer or detai l any of its emplo yees he rein p rovide d for to or from its offic e or field force . Exper t ex amine rs . For employment of expert examiners not in the Federal service to prepare questions and rate papers in examinations on special subjects for which examiners within the service are not available, $2,000 . Examining presiden- Fo r exa mina tion of pr eside ntia l pos tmast ers, incl uding trav el, tial postmasters . stationery, contingent expenses, additional examiners and investi- gators, and other necessary expenses of examinations, $26,000, of which amount not to exceed $22,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia .