SEVENTIETH OONGRESS . SEss . I. CH. 656. 1928 .
639 and assistant Navy mail clerks, both afloat and ashore, and for gratuities to enlisted men discharged not under honorable condi- tions-pay and allowances, $8 ,250 ,557 ; allowance for lodging and subsistence, $793,875 ; in all, $9,044,432 . For pay an d allo wance s pres cribed by la w of enlist ed men on men etired enlisted the retired list, $451,177. Undrawn clothing : For payment to discharged enlisted men for Und rawn cl othing . cloth ing undrawn, $2 00 ,4 95 .
Mar ine Corp s Re- For pay and allowances of the Marine Corps Reserve (a) exclud- sere . ing t ransferred an d assigned men , $182,000 ; (b) transferred men, $243,532 ; (c) assigned men, $65,000 ; in all, $490,532 . For mileage and actual and necessary expenses and per diem in lieu Mi leag e, etc. of subsistence as authorized by law to officers traveling under orders without troops, $125,000 .
Disbursing and ac- I n a ll , $15,665,816, and the mone y he rein spe cifi call y ap prop riat ed counting . for pay of the Marine Corps shall be disbursed and accounted for in accordance with existing law and shall constitute one fund . PAY OF CIVIL EMPLOYEES, MARINE CORPS Pay of civil force : For personal services in the District of Colum- Civil ian p erson nel a t bia, in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, as follows : h eadqua rters . Offices of the major general commandant and adjutant and inspector, $61,890 ; Office of the paymaster, $21,855 ; Of fice of the quar term aste r, $76,275 ; in all, $160 ,020 : P rovi ded, P-030- Num ber of en lis ted That the total number of enlisted men on duty at Marine Corps men at headquarters hea dquarters on the date of t he approval of this Act sha ll not be te r notmin to be incr eased , on ation of services, increased, and in lieu of enlisted men whose services at such head- civilians to all their quarters shall be terminated for any cause prior to July 1, 1929, their p lace s' places may be filled by civilians, for the pay of whom, in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, either or both the appropriations " Pay, Marine Corps," and " General Expenses, Marine Corps," shall be available. General expenses. GENERA L EXPENSE S, MARIN E CORPS For every expenditure requisite for, and incident to, the authorized Authorized objects . work of the Marine Corps, other than as appropriated for under the headings of pay and salaries, as follows For provisions, subsistence, board and lodging of enlisted men, Provi sions , etc . recruits and recruiting parties, and applicants for enlistment, cash allowance for lodging and subsistence to enlisted men traveling on duty ; ice, ice machines and their maintenance, $3,300,000 ; For clothing for enlisted men, $800,000 ;
Clothing. For fuel, heat, light, and power, including sales to officers, Fuel, etc . $500 ,000 ; For military supplies and equipment,
~ in clud ing thei r pu rcha se, Purchase,
, rs, repair, preservation, and handling ; recreational, school, educational, etc . library, musical, amusement, field sport and gymnasium supplies, equipment, services, and incidental expenses ; purchase and marking Prizes, badges, med- of prizes for excellence in gunnery and rifle practice, good-conduct als, etc' badges, medals, and buttons awarded to officers and enlisted men by the Gove rnme nt f or c onsp icuo us, gall ant, and spe cial ser vice ; re ntal and maintenance of target ranges and entrance fees for competitions, $825 ,000 ; For transportation of troops and applicants for enlistment, includ- Tra nsp ort ati on and recruiting . ing cash in lieu of ferriage and transfers en route ; toilet kits for issue to recruits upon their first enlistment and other incidental expenses of the recruiting service ; and transportation for dependents of Dependents. officers a nd e nlis ted men, $5 70,0 00 ;