Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/719

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I. CH. 659. 1928 . and harness, purchase of reference books and medical journals, and maintenance of quarantine station and smallpox hospital, $43,000 : Provided, That any bacteriologist employed under this appropria- tio n may be assigned by the he alth offi cer to th e bacteri ological exam- ination of milk and other dairy products and of the water supplies of dairy farms, and to such other sanitary work as in the judgment of the health officer will promote, the public health, whether such Isolating wards, Gar- examinations be or be not directly related to contagious diseases . field and Providence For isolating wards for minor contagious diseases at Garfield Hospitals .

Memorial and Providence Hospitals, maintenance, $15,000 and $8,000, respectively, or so much thereof as in the opinion of the commissioners Tuberculosis and ve- may be necessary ; in all, $23,000 . nereal dispensaries . For the maintenance of a dispensary or dispensaries for the treat- ment of in digent perso ns suf fering from t ubercu losis and of indig ent persons suffering from venereal diseases, including payment for pers onal s ervice s, sup plies, and c ontinge nt exp enses, $20,0 00 : Pr o - vided, That the commissioners may accept such volunteer services as they deem expedi ent in conne ction with th e esta blishm ent an d main te- No pay authoriz ed nance of the dispensaries herein authorized : Provided further, That therefor .

this shall not b e cons trued to aut horize the ex pendit ure or the p ay- men t of any money on a ccou nt of any such volu nteer serv ice . clinics . a lth department For rental, repair, and alteration of quarters for Health Depart- ment clinics, including installation of necessary equipment, to be immed iately avail able, $8,000 . For maintenance of disinfecting service, including salaries or com- pensation for personal services when ordered in writing by the com- missioners and necessary for maintenance of said service, and for purchase and maintenance of necessary horses, wagons, and harness, and contingent expenses, $5,500 . Vol.29,p.125. For enforcement of the provisions of an Act to provide for the drainage of lots in the District of Columbia, approved May 19, 1896, and an Act to provide for the abatement of nuisances in the District of Columbia by the commissioners, and for other purposes, approved April 14, 1906, $3,000 . For special services in connection with the detection of the adultera- tion of drugs and of foods, including candy and milk, $100 . H YGI ENE AND SANITATION, PUB LIC SC HOO LS Sa laries : For pe rsonal se rvices in accordan ce with t he Classi fication Act of 1923, $67,340 : Provided, That the person employed in the capacity of chief medical and sanitary inspector shall, under the direction of the health officer of the District of Columbia, give his whole time from nine o'clock antemeridian to four thirty o'clock postmeridian, to, and exercise the direction and control of the medical inspec tion a nd san itary condit ions o f the p ublic school s of t he Dis - trict of Columbia : Provided further, That of the persons employed as medical inspectors one shall be a woman, four shall be dentists, and four shall be of the colored race, and that of the graduate nurses employed as public-school nurses three shall be of the colored race . For maintenance of free dental clinics in the public schools, $1,000 . Smallpox hospital, etc . Proviso . Bac terio logic al e xam- inations. Provisos . Volu nteer ser vices . Disinfecting service . Drainage of lots. Abati ng nui sances . Vol . 34, p. 114. Food, etc., adultera- tion . Hygiene, etc., public schools. Personal services . Provisos . Day duty, etc ., of in- spectors. Division of inspectors and nu rses . Free dental clinics. Laboratories. Mainte nance, etc . Dairy farms . Inspection expenses . U. LABORATORIES F or ma inten ance of l abora torie s, i nclud ing r efer ence books and periodicals, apparatus, equipment, and necessary contingent and miscellaneous expenses, $2,500 . DAIRY FARM INSPECTION For necessary expenses of inspection of dairy farms, including necessary traveling expenses, $5,000 .