Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/795

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SEVENTIETH CONGRES S . SESS . I. 'Cxs. 748, 751 . 1928 . for the construction of a bridge across Ouachita River at or near Calion, Arkansas, shall read as follow : oft o Application of rates a SEc. 2 . If tolls are charged for the use of such bridge, the rates Ante, p . 308, amend. of toll shall be so adjusted as to provide a fund sufficient (1) to pay ed. the reasonable cost of maintaining, repairing and operat ing the bridge and its approaches ; (2) the interest on borrowed money neces- sarily required and financing charges necessarily incurred in connec- tion with the construction of the bridge and its approaches ; and (3) All revenue to be so to provide a sinking fund sufficient to retire the bonds issued and applied . sold in connection with such original construction . Al l reve nue received from the bridge shall be applied to the foregoing purposes and no bonds issued in connection with the construction of the bridge and its approaches shall be made to mature later than twenty years Maintenance as free after the date of issue thereof . bridge, wben fund to re- "After a fund sufficient to retire such bonds in accordance with tire bonds provided . their provisions shall have been so provided, the bridge shall there- after be maintained and operated as a free highway bridge, upon Record of receipts. expendi- tures and receipts which no tolls shall be charged . An accurate and itemized record of the original cost of the bridge, and its approaches, the expenditures for maintaining, repairing and operating the same, the interest charges paid and the tolls charged and the daily revenues received from the bridge shall be kept by the State Highway Commission of Arkansas, and shall be available at all reasonable times for the infor- ma tion of all pers ons inte rested ." Approved, May 25, 1928 . May . 80

[H. R 5898 .]

CHAP . 751 .-An Act To authorize certain officers of the United States [Public, No . 515.] Army, Navy, and Marine Corps to accept such decorations, orders, and medals as have been tendered them by foreign governments in appreciation of services re ndered . Decorations tendered Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the by foreign governments United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following- to designated officers of Army, Navy, and ma- named officers of the United States Army, Navy, and Marine Corps tine Corps, may be as- ar e hereby authori zed to a ccept su ch decor ations, orders, and meda ls ac- cepte d .

as have ben tendered them by foreign governments in appreciation of services rendered j List of Navy offic ers . United States Navy : Vice Admiral G. H. Burrage, Rear Admiral H . P . Jones, Rear Admiral P . Andrews, Rear Admiral C . F . Hughes, Rear Admiral T. P. Magrud er, Re ar Adm iral W. C . Cole, Rear Admiral J . H . Dayton, Rear Admiral Louis M . Nulton, Rear Admiral Y . Stirling, junior, Rear Admiral Thomas Washington, Rear Admi- ral W . L . Howard, retired, Rear Admiral H . Rodman, retired, Rear Admiral J. D. McDonald, retired, Rear Admiral T . Snowden, retired, Rear Admiral C . L . Hussey, retired, Rear Admiral A . P . Niblack, retired, Rear Admiral R . Welles, retired, Captain C . A . Abele, Cap- tain T. L. Johnson, Captain H . E. Lackey, Captain S . W . Bryant, Captain C . S . Freeman, Captain K . G. Castleman, Captain F . T. Evans, Captain H . K. Cage, Captain A . Andrew, Captain D . C. Hanrahan, retired, Captain F . B . Freyer, Captain W . F . Halsey, unior, Captain D . W . Bagley, Captain C . H . Woodward, Captain W . P. Scott, Captain H . Laning, Captain V . A . Kimberly, Captain H . L . Brinser, Captain F . D . Berrien, Captain R . D. White, Captain L . R . Leahy, Captain E . H . Durell, retired, Commander J . S. McCain, Commander G . C . Logan, Commander S . S . Kennedy, Commander R. E . Byrd, retired, Commander A . T . Church, Commander H. Delano, Commander W. L . Beck, Commander R . A . Spruance, Coin- mander A. G . Stirling, Commander W . T . Smith, Commander J . F. Shafroth, junior, Commander J. James, Commander G . H . Laird, Lieute nant C ommand er M . C ollins , Lieut enant C ommand er J . M.