Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/92

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41 bered 723 and Senate Document Numbered 219, and to the Seventieth Congress in House Document Numbered 78, namely : Under the United States Shipping Board, $5,230,929 .85 ; under the United States Veterans' Bureau, $1,671 .52 ; under the Navy Department, $1,151,223 .72 ; under the Treasury Department, $9,730 .98 ; under the War Department, $1,729,924 .26 ; in all, $8,123,480.33, together with such additional sum as may be necessary to pay interest on certain Interest . of the judgments at the legal rate per annum as and where specified in said judgments . None of the judgments contained under this caption which have piration of time for None time for w rit not been affi rmed by t he Su preme Cour t or othe rwise bec ome f inal of c ertio rari . and conc lusi ve ag ainst the Unit ed St ates shal l be paid unti l the expiration of the time within which application may be made for a Vol. 43, p, 939 . writ of certiorari under subdivision (b), section 3, of the Act entitled "An A ct to amend the Ju dicial Code, and to furth er def ine th e juri s- diction of the circuit courts of appeals and of the Supreme Court, and for other purp oses ," ap prove d Feb ruar y 13, 1925 . AUDITED CLAIMS

Audited claims . SEC. 2 . That for the payment of the following claims, certified to b9 General Payment fc co cc oun t- u be due b y th e Gen eral Acco untin g Off ice under appr opria tion s the ing Office . balan ces of which have been e xhaust ed or c arried to th e surp lus fu nd under the provisions of section 5 of the Act of June 20, 1874, and vol . 18` 110- under appropriations heretofore treated as permanent, being for the service of the fiscal year 1924 and prior years, unless otherwise stated, Vol.23,p.254. and which have b een ce rtifie d to C ongress under secti on 2 o f the Act of July 7, 1884, as fully set forth in House Document Numbered 720, Sixty- ninth Congre ss, th ere is approp riated as fo llows : INDEPENDENT OFFICES For national security and defense, committee on public informa- Independent offices . tion, $635 .80. For salaries and expenses, United States Shipping Board, $33 .33 . For me dical and ho spital servi ces, V eterans ' Bure au, $1 9 . 91 . For salaries and expenses, Veterans' Bureau, $3 . For vocational rehabilitation, Veterans' Bureau, $2,908 .84. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE For general expenses, Bureau of Plant Industry, $10 .21 . For cooperative fire protection of forested watersheds of navigable streams, $1 .25 . For general expenses, Weather Bureau, $2 .57. DE PARTM ENT OF COM MERCE Department of Com- For contingent expenses, Department of Commerce, $42 .89.

merce . For party expenses, Coast and Geodetic Survey, $5 .82. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR For traveling expenses of inspectors, Department of the In- terior, $4. For maps of the United States, $125 . For Army pensions, $112 .50. For support of Indians in Arizona, $2,620 .25 . For support of Sioux of different tribes : Subsistence and civiliza- tion, South Dakota, $6. For support of Indians at Colville and other agencies and Joseph's Band of Nez Perces, Washington, $1 .05 . Department of Agri- culture. Int erior Depa rtmen t .