Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/963

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I . CH. 853. 1928 . Indemnity for personal injuries to A rend Kamp and Francis Gort, Netherland subjects : For the payment to the Government of the Ne therla nds th e sum of $5 00 as full c ompen sation for p ersona l injuries sustained by Arend Kamp, a Netherland subject, and the sum of $500 as full compensation for personal injuries sustained by Francis Gort, a Netherland subject, while the United States ship Canibas was loading on May 1, 1919, at Rotterdam, as authorized by Public Resolution Numbered 37, approved May 3, 1928, $1,000, to remain available until June 30, 1929. Payment to the Government of Great Britain in recognition of services of William Wiseman : For the payment to Great Britain in recognition of the services of William Wiseman as British vice counsel at Salina Cruz, Mexico, in behalf of American interests from April 12, 191 4, to December 13, 1917, as authorized by Public Resolution Numbered 38, approved May 3, 1928, $9,200, to remain ava ilable until June 30 , 1929 . Ind emnit y to, for Indemnity for the death of Reginald Ethelbert Myrie, British death of Reginald Ethelbert

s ubj ec t : For the pa yment to the British Gover nment as full indem- fo the death of Reginald Ethelbert Myrie a Bitih sbjet nityr,rsuc, alleged to have been killed in the Panama Canal Zone on February 5, 1921, by a United States Army motor truck, as authorized by the Act approved May 3, 1928, $1,000, to remain available until June 30, 1929 . Reimbursement of the Government of Great Britain for sums expended by the British chaplain, the Reverend F . North, for the relief of American nationals : For the reimbursement of the Govern- ment of Great Britain the equivalent of the sum of „3,988 at par of exchange, expended by the British chaplain at Moscow, the Reverend F. North, for the relief of American nationals in Russia in 1920, as authorized by the Act approved May 3, 1928, $19,407 .60, to remain available until June 30, 1929 . The Gorgas Memorial Laboratory : To enable the Secretary of State to pay the annual contribution of the United States to the maintenance and operation of the Gorgas Memorial Laboratory, as provided by the Act approved May 7, 1928, fiscal year 1929, $50,000 . Conference on Conciliation and Arbitration : I'or expenses of the Conference on Conciliation and Arbitration, to be held at Washing- ton during 1928 or 1929, as authorized by Public Resolution Num- bered 32, approved May 3, 1928, including salaries in the District of Columbi a or elsewher e, rent in the District of Columbia, prin ting and binding , prin ting of offici al vis iting c ards, t ravel and sub sistenc e or per diem in lieu of subsistence (notwithstanding the provisions of any other Act), stenographic and other services by contract if deemed necessary, and such other expenses as may be deemed necessary by the Secretary of State by reason of such invitation, fiscal year 1929, $50,000, to remain available until June 30, 1930 . Permanent Inte rnational Ass ociation of Ro ad Congresses : For the expenses of the sixth session of the Permanent International Asso- ciation of Road Congresses to be held in the United States as author- ized by Public Resolution Numbered 18, approved March 28, 1928, including compensation of employees in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, rent in the District of Columbia, printing and binding, transportation, subsistence or per diem in lieu of subsistence (not- withstanding the provisions of any other Act), contract stenographic reporting services, official cards, and such expenses as may be actu- ally and necessarily incurred by the Government of the United States in the observance of proper courtesies, fiscal year 1929, $25,000, to remain available until June 30, 1930 . Second Pan American Conference on Highways at Rio de Janeiro : For the expenses of participation by the United States in the St ;cond Netherlands . Indemn ity to, for person al injuries to Aren d Kamp and Francis Gort. Ante, p . 489 . Great Britain . Pay ment to, for serv- ices of William Wise- man in behalf of Amer- ican interests. Ante, p. 489. Ante, p . 483 . Re imb ur sem ent to, for relief of American nationals by Reverend F . North . Ante, p. 484. Gorgas Memorial Laborato ry . Annual contribution to. Ante, p. 491 . Conference on Con- ciliation and Arbitra- tion . Expenses . Ante, p . 487. Permanent Interna- tional Association of Road Congresses . Exp en ses of sixth session . Ante, p. 378. Pan Ameri can Con- ference on Highways, second .