Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1006

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2682 PARCEL POST CONVENTION-HUNGARY. July 3, 1ll28. Auplt 16, 1928. The entries shall show in respect to each insured parcel the insur- ance number and the office (and state or country) of origin. Returned parcels. 3. The entry on the bill of any returned parcel must be followed by the word "Returned". pa==~.b1 dis- 4. Each dispatching office of exchange shall number the parcel bills in the upper left-hand corner, commencing each year a fresh series for each office of exchange of destination. The last number of the year shall be shown on the parcel bill of the first dispatch of the following year. ArtIcleI! In transit. 5. The exact method of advis- ing parcels or the receptacles containing them sent by one Administration in transit through the other together with any de- tails of precedure in connection with the advice of such parcels or receptacles for which provision is not made in this convention, shall be settled by mutual agree- ment through correspondence be- tween the two Administrations. In Certl1lcatee or mall· VIII. CERTIFICATES OF MAILING. g. Furnished to sender The sender will, on request at on request. the time of mailing an ordinary (uninsured) parcel, receive a cer- tificate of mailing from the p'ost office where the parcel is mailed, on a form provided for the pur- pose; and each country may fix 0. reasonable fee therefor, but no certificate of mailing, other than the insurance receipt, will be fur- nished the sender of insured par- cels. gyezni. Az &-UknyilvlLnitluss81 elilLtott csomagoknlLl ki kell ttin- tetni az ~rUknyilvlLnitlusi rags- zamot es a felvev<5 hivataI (es lLllam vagy Ol'SzlLg) nev~t. 3. A visszakUlaott csom&2'okat a rovatlapban "Returned" "T~r­ ti" sz6val kell megjelolni. 4. Minden indit6 kicser~llS hiva- tal koteles a csomagrovatlapokat a felsc5 balsarkukon minden ren- deltetesi kicser~16 hivatal resz~re ~venkint ujb61 kezdlSdc5 SOl'Szlun- mal elllLtni. A lefolyt ~v utols6 szlunat a kovetkez(} ~v els~ indi- taslLnak rovatlapjlLn fel kell ttin- tetni. . 5. Az egyik igazgatlus lLltal a masik igazgatlus tertile~n lLtszlLl- litott csomagok vagy csomag- tartlLlyok jegyz~keles~nek pontos m6djlLt es a.z ilyen csomagok, illetve tartlLlyok jegyz~ke-Ies~nek reszleteseljlLrlLsiszablLlyait,amely- ekre a fentiekben nines in~zke­ d~s, a k~t igazgatlLB iratvlLltas utjlLn egyiittesen lLllapitja meg. VIII. FELAD6vEVENYEK. A felad6 k~relm~re a feladlLskor 0. kozon~es (~r~knl!lvlLnitlLssal el nemlatott) csomagJlLr61 a.z e c~l­ ra megll.llapitott iirlapon felad6v- ev~nyt kap att6l a postahivatalt6l ahola csomagotfeladta.. Azegyes ol'Szil.gok ez~rt megfele16 dejat szedhetnek. Mindazonaltal az ~rteknyilvlLnitll.ssal ellatott cso- mag felo.d6jlLnak nem lehet mas feladasi igazolvlLnyt adni, mint a biztositasi vevenyt. . Ordinary parcels. IX. RESPONSIBILITY NOT Ac- IX. KOZONSEGES CSOMAGOK CEPTED FOR ORDINARY PAR· KARTERITEsENEK KIZARASA. CELS. tb~~ror, responsibility Neither the sender nor the addressee of an ordinary (unin- sured) parcel shall be entitled to compensation for the loss of the parcel or for the abstraction of or damage to its contents. Insurance. X. INSURANCE. A kozonseges (erteknyilvlLni tas- sal el nom latott) csomagok fela- d6janak vagy cimzettjenek nines igenye kar~ritesre a csomag el- veszese, illetve tartalmlLnak kifos- ztasa vagy megsertilese eseten. X. ~RTEKNYILVANITAS. Fee required. 1. The sender of alarcel may 1. A felad6 a csomagot ~rtek- have the same insure by paying nyilvlLnitassal ellatva is feladhat- in addition to the postage such ja, ha rnegfizeti a rendes postadi-