Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1185

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INTERNATIONAL RADIO CONVENTION. NOVDIBER'25, 1927. (c) Nomenclature of all fixed, land, and mobile stations having a call signal from the international seriel, whether or not open to public corres~ndence, and a nomenclature of broadcasting stations. §2. The nomenclature relating to each class of station shall be pub- lished in separate parts as follows: I. Fi:J:ed and land statihns (1) Nomenclature of stations by countries, the names of the coun- tries being arranged in alphabetical order and the names of the sta- tions of the same country being, in their tum, arranged in alphabetical order under the name- of that country. This nomenclature shall. be preceded by an alphabetical index indicating the names of the sta- tions, the call signals, the characteristic signs and the numbers of the pages where the details regarding these stations may be found. (2) The word RADIO is printed separately after the name of each coast station. II. Statihns carrying on 8p~ciol services (1) Nomenclature of stations by countries with an alJ?habetical index similar to the one in the preceding part. The stations men- tioned in this nomenclature shall be those which carry on special services for the needs of maritime and aerial navigation (radio com- passes, radiobeacons, time signals, notices to navigators, regular meteorological information, press news addressed to all, etc.) . (2) The words GONIO and PHARE, respectively, shall be shown following the name of radio compass stations and radiobeacon stations. III. Ship statihns Nomenclature of stations arranged in alphabetical order, without considering nationality, and mentioning III abbreviated form the name of the country to which each station belongs. IV. Aircraft stations Nomenclature of stations arranged in alphabetical order, without considering nation~ty, and mentioning III abbreviated form the name of the country to which each station belongs. V. Broadcasting statihns Nomenclature of stations by countries with alphabetical index similar to that of Parts I and II. 2861 Nomenclatures. I. Fixed and land ltatlons. n. Stat100a e&n71Dc on lpecial awvicea. III. Ship stations. IV. Alrcratt stations, V. Broadcasting sta- tions. §3. Supplements to the list of call signals and to the respective SbTarmstroBot (talk) 01:41, 7 January 2012 (UTC)ments to be nomenclatures containing additions, modifications and deletions 1'Il s . published in alphabetical order. These supplements shall be monthly, and recapitulative. Nomenclature offixed and land stations §4. (1) The descriptive list of fixed and land stations must include the following data: (a) Name of the station; (b) Call signal; (c) Exact geographical position of the transmitting antenna, in- dicated by territorial subdivision and by the longitude and latitude in degrees, minutes and seconds, longrtude being calculated with respect to the meridian of Greenwich; (d) Types of waves and transmitting frequencies (wave lengths) for which adjustments are made, the normal transmitting wave being underlined; 5-1&35 " - 2!)-PT 2--75 Nomenclature of fued and land stations, Data req uIred.