Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1203

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I~TEHNATIONAL HADIO CONVENTION. NOVEMBER 25,1927. 2879 §9. The procedure to be followed in the radiocompass service is given in Appendix 8. Po.l, p. 28'J6. C. Radiobeacon Ser1.7ice Radlobeacon service.. §10. (1) When an Administration deems it useful in the interests of maritime and aerial navigation, to organize a radiobeacon service, it may use for this purpose: (a) Radiobeacons propflrly so-called, established on land or on vessels permanently moored; their emissions may be either circular or directional. (b) Fixed stations, coast stations or aeronautical stations desig- nated to function also as :radio beacons, upon request of mobile stations. . (2) Radiobeacons properly so~alled shall use waves of 285 kc/s to 315 kc/s (1050-950 m.) of Types Al and A2 exclusively. (3) Other stations designated as radiobeacons shall use their normal transmission frequency an? their normal type of emis~ion. .. §11. Signals sent by radlObeacons mus~ permit effiCIent fun~tI<?nIllg of the radiocompass; they must be chosen III such a way as to eliminate all doubt, when the question arises, of distinguishing between two 01 more radiobeacons. §12. The Administrations which have organized a radiobeacon service accept no responsibility for the consequences of inexact bearings obtained by means of the radiobeltcons of that service. §13. (1) The Administrations shall report, for insertion in the nomenclature of radiotelegraph stations, the characteristics of each radiobeacon properly so-called, and of each station designated to function as a radiobeacon, including, if necessary, indications of the sectors in which bearings will normally be exact. (2) Any modification or irregularity in operation occurring in the radiobeacon service must be published without delay; if the modifica- tion or the irregularity of operation is of a permanent nature, it must be communicated to the International Bureau. ARTICLE 32 Accounting §1. (1) Land station and ship charges shall not enter into the international telegraph accounts. (2) Accounts concerning these charges shall be liquidated by the Administrations of the countries concerned. They shall be estab- lished monthly by the Administrations to which the land stations are subject and sent by them to the Administrations concerned. §2. In the case where the operation of the land stations is not by the Administration of the country, the operating company of these stations may be substituted, in so far as accounts are concerned, for the Administration of that country. §3. For radiotelegrams originating in mobile stations, the Adminis- tration to which the land station is subject shall debit the Adminis- tration to which the mobile station of origin is subject with the land station charges, with charges accruing from transmission Over the gcneral communication system-Which will hereafter be called tele- ~aph charges-V\'i.~h the total charges collected for prepaid replies, WIth the land statIOn and telegraph charges collected for collation wit~ ch~ges accr~ng from transmission by ~~ecial de~very, by mail or alr mall, and ~th charges collected for additIOnal copies.of multiple telegrams. RadIOtelegrams shall be treated, from the pomt of view of accounting between the land station and the office of destination, Accountlq.