Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1221

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IXTERXATIONAL RADIO CONVENTION. NOVEMBER 25, H)27. B. The radiocompass station or stations called shall prepare to take the bearing; they shall, if necessary, notify the radiocompass stations with which they are connected. As soon as the radio- compass stations are ready, such of these stations as are' pro- vided with sending apparatus shall reply to the mobile station in the alphabetical order of their call signals, by giving their call signal followed by the letter K. In the case of radiocompass stations which are grouped, the station called shall notify the other stations of the group and shall in- form the mobile station as soon as the stations of the group are ready to take the bearing. C. After having, if necessary, changed to its new transmitting wave, the mobile station shall reply by sending its call signal combined, when need be, with another signal, during a length of time sufficiently prolonged to permit the bearing to be taken. D. The radiocompass station or statIOns which are satisfied with the operation shall transmit the signal QTE ("Your bearing with respect to me was ______ degrees "), preceded by the time of the observation and followed by 8. group of three figures (000 to 359), showing in degrees the true bearing of the mobile station with respect to the radiocompass station. If 8. radiocompass station is not satisfied with the operation, it shall request the mobile station to repeat the transmission in- dicated under C. E. As soon as the mobile station has received the result of the observation, it shall repeat the message to the radiocompass station, which shall then state that the repetition is exact or, when necessary, shall correct it by repeating the message. When the radiocompass station is certain that the mobile station has correctly received the message, it shall transmit the signal "end of work." This signal shall then be reJ?eated by the mobile station, as an indIcation that the operation is finished. F. The data concerning (a) the signal to be used to obtain the bearings, (b) the duration of the transmission to be made by the mobile station, and (c) the time used by the radiocompass station in question shall be given in the nomenclature. [Note: Proclamation of the President at conclusion of the French text, p. 2837.] 2897