Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1315

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1928. SE~~ NEU, EY2 SWU NEU, WY2 SEU NWU and NEU SW~ Sec. 11, NWU NWU Sec. 12, NWU NWU Sec. 14, NWU SW34 and SY2 SWU Se0. 15, NEU NE34 and EY2 SWU Sec. 22, NWU SWU and SEU SEU Sec. 24, NE.~). SY2 SWU, NY2 SEU and SWU SE34 Sec. 25, SWU NE34 and ;:;EU SE~i Sec. 26; InT.8N., R.13E., NY2SW34Sec.2,SY2NEUandNY2NW34 SEJ~ Sec. 11, NW34 SW34 Sec. 12, NY2 SWU Sec. 13, SEU NEU Sec. 14, SWU SW34 Sec. 15, NWU NEU Sec. 24, NWU SEU Sec. 26 and SWU SEU Sec. 35; InT.9N., R.13E., NY2NW34Sec.2,lots1,2,3,4,5and6Sec. 3, that part of NE34 net embraced in patented mineral entries, WY2 and WY2 SEX Sec. 4, NEU, EY2 NWU and SY2 Sec. 5, WY2 NWX SW34 Sec. 11, NEU NWU, SEU SWU and SW}i SEU Sec. 15, SEU SEU Sec. 16, lot 1, SWU, NWU SEU and SY2 SEU Sec. ~o, NY2 NEU, SEU NEU, NY2 NWU, NY2 SE74 NWU and SEU SEU NWU Sec. 31, lots 1, 2, 6, 11, SY2 NEU, that part of SEU NWU not embraced in pate~ted mineral entries and NWU SEU Sec. 32, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, EY2 NWU, SY2 NWU NWU and those por- tions of the SY2 SWU and SWU SEU not embraced in a patented mineral entry in Sec. 33, NY2 SWU, SE~ SWU and NY2 SEM Sec. 34, NEU NWU and NWU SWU Sec. 35; InT.10N., R.13E., NEUSEUSec. 8,NWUNEUSec. 10, NY2 NEU Sec. 11, SWU SWU Sec. 15, SE,~ SWU Sec. 17, NE%' NEU, SY2 NEU and SEU Sec. 21, WY2 NWU SEU, NWU and WY2 SW!i Sec. 22, SWU Sec. 25, WY2 NWU, lots 2, 3, and 4 Sec. 27, WY2 NWU Sec. 28, EY2 NEU and NY2 NWU Sec. 29, NY2, NY2 SWU and NWU SEU Sec. 30, EY2 SEU Sec. 32, SY2 SWU and NEU SEU Sec. 33, lot 3 and SEU SEU Sec. 34, EY2 NE~ NEU, SY2 NEU and SY2 SWU Sec. 35, and NY2 Sec. 36; InT.11N., R.13E., SWUSWUSec. 33; InT.7N., R.14E., SEUNEU,NEUSWU,SY2SW34andNY2 SEU Sec. 9, NWU NEU, SY2 NEU, NEU NWU, SY2 NWU and NY2 of SY2 Sec. 10, NWU SWU and NWU SEU Sec. 11, SEU SWU, NEU SEU and SY2 SEU Sec. 12, NY2 NEU Sec. 13, EY2 NEU, SWU NEU and EY2 SEU Sec. 17, SY2 NEU, SY2 of lots 6 and 7, lots 2,3,4,5,8 and WY2 SEU Sec. 18, NY2 NEU, lot 1 and NY2 of lots 13 and 14 Sec. 19 and NY2 NWU Sec. 20; In T. 8 N., R. 14 E.,'NWU SWU Sec. 4 and SY2 SWU Sec. 18; InT.12N., R.18E., lot13Sec.4andSWUSEUSec.28. 2969 And I do also proclaim that so much of the withdrawal made by Former withdrawals Executive Order No. 4203 of April 14, 1925, in aid of the classIDca- re~?~~3 953 tion contemplated by the aforesaid act of February 20, 192[;, as 0" p.. affects the following described lands is hereby revoked, such lands having been found not to be valuable for national forest purposes: In T. 10 N., R. 12 E., NEU NWU Sec. 29, SWU SEU Sec. 33, Description. SEU SEU Sec. 34, WY2 NEU, NWU NWU, WY2 SWU and NWU SEU Sec. 35; InT.9N., R.13E., SEUNEU,lot4,EY2SW34andSEU Sec. 7, WY2 NEU, NWU and NWU SEU Sec. 18. ~d I do f~theNr proclaim and make known t(batS' pursuant to or!n~~eat~e~nt~;ng: Public ResolutIOn o. 29 of February 14, 1920 41 tat. 434), as ex-service men of the amended January 21 and December 28, 1922 (42 Stat. 358, 1067), wv~ni.';;.f~~rdays. the public lands in the areas hereby released from withdrawal shall, Vol. {2, pp . 358,1067 . subject to valid rights, be opened unly to entry under the home- stead and desert land laws by qualified ex-service men of the world war, under the terms and conditions of such resolution and the reg- ulations issued thereunder, for a period of ninety-one days, beginning with the sixty-third day from and after the date hereof, and there- Thereafter, under after the remaining public lands in such areas will be subject to ep- any land law.