Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1321

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PROCI..AMATIONS, 1928. 2975 States of the title to such public property ceded and transferred to the United States by the Republic of Hawaii under the joint resolu- tion of annexation, afproved July 7, 1898 (30 Stat. 750), and in the Vol. 30, p . 750 . possession and use 0 said Territory for public purposes or required for any such purposes; and WHEREAS certain lands of the United States within the area hereinafter described are required for certain public purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, I, CALVIN COOLIDGE, President of the laJJ~I~ra~re~"!'~~o"~~ United States of America, by virtue of the power vested in me by Territory. section 7 of the act of Congress, approved May 27, 1910 (36 Stat. 443,447), do hereby transfer to the Territory of Hawaii the title to all lands owned by the United States in the Territory of Hawaii lying within the area described as follows: That certain area of land situate in Waikiki, District of Honolulu, Description. Imand of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii: Beginning at a stake on the South side of Boulevard (which Boule- vard is South of Ala. Wai), on the high water mark, the coordinates of said point of beginning referred to Government Survey Trig. Station "Punchbowl" being 9083.7 feet South and 2848.9 feet East, as shown on Government Survey Registered Map No. 2799 (Sheets, 1,2 and 3), and running along high water mark by true azimuths and distances as follows: 1. 315 0 01' 39.75 feet to a stake; 2. 317 0 46'. 183.98 feet to a. stake; 3. 351 0 38' 41.43 feet to a stake; 4. 49 0 40' 10.95 feet to a. stake; 5. 319 0 16' 24.15 feet along seawall to a stake; 6. 332 0 06' 19.40 feet to a. stake; 7. 317 0 52' 88.44 feet to a stake; 8. 45 0 56' 9.05 feet along seawall to a stake; 9. 318 0 01' 15.65 feet along same to a stake; 10. 227 0 35' 10.98 feet along same to a stake; 11. 319 0 38' 130.85 feet along same to a stake; 12. 305 0 57' 63.57 feet to a stake; 13. 317 0 19' 128.05 feet to a stake; 14. 320 0 56' 75.60 feet to a. stake. 15. 325 0 11' 153.05 feet to a. stake; 16. 327 0 55' 321.65 feet to a. stake; 17. 321 0 35' 67.35 feet to a. stake; 18. 312 0 39' 27.23 feet to a stake; 19. 294 0 47' 22.20 feet to a stake; 20. 316 0 40' 9.25 feet along seawall to a stake; 21. 325 0 35' 13.45 feet across stream to a stake; 22. 60 0 04' 46.12 feet along seawall to a stake; 23. 333 0 27' 78.15 feet to a. + on concrete; 24. 330 0 44' 101.40 feet to a. stake; 25. 3400 15' 208.40 feet to a stake; 26. 347 0 28' 191.90 feet to a stake; 27. 00 04' 41.75 feet to a stake; 28. 52 0 21' 38.80 feet along seawall to a stake; 29. 37 0 35' 6.70 feet along same to a spike in face of seawall; 30. 59 0 31' 49.85 feet along same to a spike in face of seawall; 31. 61 0 52' 277.20 feet along same to a spike in face of seawall; 32. 313 0 56' 78.20 feet to a stake; 33. 261 0 39' 24.90 feet along seawall to a stake; 34. 294 0 32' 95.82 feet along seawall to a stake; 35. 290 45' 1.29 feet along seawall to an iron pin; 36. 2700 29' 91.62 feet along seawall to a + on concrete; 37. 2750 34' 34.85 feet along seawall to a + on concrete; 38. 281 0 44' 65.75 feet along seawall to a stake;