Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1389

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INDEX. 3043 Bureau of the Budget-Continued. Pap. appropriation for printing and binding for _______________________ 16i,1033 deficiency appropriation for salaries, etc., 1929____________________ 1687 Bureau of the Census (see Census Bureau, Department of Commerce). Bureau of the Mint (see Mint Bureau, Treasury Department). Bureau of Union for Protection of Indus- trial Property (see International Union for Protection of Indus- trial Property). Bureau of W.eights and Measures (see In- ternational Bureau of Weights and Measures). Bureau oj Yard8 and Docks, Navy, appropriation for maintenance ____ 634, 1463 clerical, etc., services _________ 63fi, 1463 motor vehicles, exchange, etc__ 635, 1463 for contingent _________________ 635,1463 for public works at designated yards and stations _______________ 635,1463 for Portsmouth, N. H __ ___ ___ ___ __ 635 for Boston, Mass ______________ 635, 1463 for New York, N. Y ____________ 635,1464 for Philadelphia:]'a____________ 635,1464 for Annapolis, Md., engineering ex- periment station______________ 635 for Washington, D. C ___ ___ ____ ___ 1464 for Norfolk, Va________________ 635,1464 for Charleston, S. C ___ __ ___ __ __ 635, 1464 for Mare Island, Calif_____________ 1464 for Cavite, P. L __ ____ _____ ____ ___ 1464 for ammunition storage facilities____ 1464 for Puget Sound, Wash____________ 635 for Hampton Roads, Va., operating base________________________ 635 for Guantanamo, Cuba____________ 636 for Pearl Harbor t HawaiL ______ 636, 1464 for Newport, R. ., torpedo station__ 636 for ammunition depot, Lake Den- mark, N. J ____ ___ ____ ___ __ 636, 1464 for Fort Miflin, Pa_____________ 636, 1464 for Saint Juliens Creek, Va_________ 636 for Dahlgren, Va., proving ground__ 636 for Yorktown, Va., mine depot_____ 636 for San Diego, Calif., training station_ 636 for Quantico, Va., Marine Bar- racks________________________ 1464 for Melville 1 R. 1 ., fuel depot ____ 636, 1464 for aircraft factory, Philadelphia, Pa_ 1464 for Hampton Roads, Va., naval air station_ _ _ _ _________ _______ __ 1464 for Coco Solo, Canal Zone, sub- marine base__________________ 636 for Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, submarine base________________________ 636 for Pensacola, Fla., air station ___ 636,1464 for Coco Solo, Canal Zone, air sta- tion ______________________ 636, 1464 for Sand Point, Wash., air station 636,1464 for San Diego, Calif., naval air sta. - tion_ _______ __ ____ _____ ______ 1464 for Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, naval air station ___________________ . . __ 1464 for civilian personnel, Navy Depart- ment _____________________ 64~ 1470 deficiency appropriation for public works at designated yards, etc_ _ 24 for air stations, buildings, etc_ ______ 25 for maintenance__________________ 48 for contingenL___________________ 908 for ammunition depots, lightning pro- tection__ _ ___________________ 908 Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy-Con. Page. deficiency appropriation for ammuni- tion storage facilities_ _________ 908 for field service maintenance, increase of compensation, 1929_________ 1648 limit increased for clerical, etc., serv- ices, 1928____________________ 24 additional allowance for personal services for construction work, 1928________________________ 25 Bureau, Pan American Sanitary (see Pan American Sanitary Bureau). Bureau, Permanent Court oj Arbitration (see International Bureau of Per- manent Court of Arbitration). Bureau, Women's (see Women's Bureau, Department of Labor). Burford, Jennie H. (widow), pension increased____ _ _ _ __ _________ 2209 Burger~ M?rgaret M. (widow), pensIOn Increased___________________ 2145 Burgess, Maggie L. (widow), pension increased_ __________________ 2178 Burgin, Edward J., pension increased_ _ ______ ___ ___ _____ 2004 Burgner, Annie M. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2182 Burkart, Catherine (widow), pension increased_ _ __ __ __ __ _________ 1908 Burkart, Julia (widow), pension increased _ _ __ __________ __ ___ 2171 Burke, Catherine (daughter), pension____________________________ 1758 Burke, .EtI~ A. (widow), pensIOn Increased _ _ ______ _______ ____ 2199 Burke, J. Edward, refund of fine_ ___ __ _________________ 2379 Burke, .Lou.isa (widow), pensIOn Increased ___________________ 2198 Burke, Porteus R., compensation to, for fire losses_ _ _ _ _ __ 1857 Burke, Ruth Heston (widow), pension____________________________ 1775 Burke, Sarah V. (widow), pension____________________________ 1953 Burkesville, Ky., bridge authorized across Cumberland River, at. ___________ _________ 613 time extended for bridging Cumberland River, at_ __________ ___ __ _____ 1523 Burket,. El~zabeth (widow), pensIOn Increased_ ____ _____________ _ 2107 Burkett, Martha J. (widow), pension increased_ _ ______ __ _______ __ 2101 Burkha.rt, {sabella (widow), penSIOn Increased_ __________________ 2098- Burkhead, Captain Calvin H., Army, reimbursement to, for travel expenses__ 1704 Burley,. Ml!ria (widow), . penSIOn lDcreased_ _____ _____________ 2208 Burlingame, Catherine (widow), pension increased_ _ __ ____ ___________ 1903 Burlington, N. J ., bridge authorized across Delaware River, at_____________________ 324 time extended for bridging Delaware River, at__ ___ ___ __ ______ _____ 243 Burnett, George W., pension ____ . _______________________ 1766 Burnet~, Hifnnah (widow), pensIOn lDcreased_ _ ____ _____________ 1788 Burnett, J. T., may bridge Mississippi River, at Tip- tonville, Tenn________________ 501