Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1396

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3050 INDEX. Cartier, Haftu (daughter), Page. pension__ ___ _ ___ ______ _____________ 1756 Carl·er,. M~ry A. (widow), penSIOn Increased_ ___________ _____ ___ 1739 Car,'er,.Sa~ah E. (widow), penSIOn Increased_ ___________ __ ____ _ 1949 Cart'ille, La., deficiency appropriation for marine hos- pital, improvements _________ 31,1655 Cary, l!ant;y A. (widow), penSIOn mcreased_ _ ____ ___ ___ _______ 1871 Caryl, tJar.tha J. (widow), pensIOn mcreased___________________ 2214 Case, 4begl!il (widow), pensIOn Increased_ ________ ___ _______ 2139 Case, Agnes W. (widow), pension____________________________ 2238 Case, "fary' F. (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ ________________ __ 2081 Casebier, Emma G. (widow), pension____________________________ 1764 Cases Inlet, Wash., dam authorized for retaining tidal waters in a cove extending from__ 571 Casey, .Kiz~iah S. (widow), penSIOn mcreased_ ___ __ __ ____ _______ 2240 Casey, William J., payment to, for personal injuries______ 2262 Caskey, Emma S. (widow), pension______ ~_____________________ 1968 Caskey: M?rsolete (widow), pensIOn Increased___________________ 2130 Cason, Elem, pension____________________________ 1838 Caspar! W!lliam, penSIOn Increased_ ___ __ ________ _____ 2320 Casper, Wyo., appropriation for public building_ _ _ __ 1042 deficiency appropriation for public build- ingat.__ ________ _____________ 920 CaslJ County, N. Dak., may bridge Red River of the North, Fargo, N. Dak., to Moorhead, Minn_______________________ 472 time extended for bridging Red River of the North, by, etc___________ 1534 CalJlJ Lake, Minn., appropriation for construction of dam at__________________________ 555 for repair, etc., of dam at__________ 1205 CalJsadll' J!ary J. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _ __ _________ ______ 2184 CalJseday, Elizabeth (widow), pension____________________________ 2307 CalJ8ed~y, '!fary J. (widow), penSIOn Increased_ _ __ _______ _______ _ 1952 Cas3ell! E"!ili/ E. (widow), penSIOn Increased_ _ _ ___ __ __ ________ _ 2144 Ca3Ilel"!'J.n,. Emily A. (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ _ __ ____ __ _______ __ 2084 CalJlJiday, Katie, land patent to______________________ 1733 CalJlJidy, Captain William, Army, settlement of claim of, for stoppage of pay, etc_____________________ 2349 CalJllville, W ilJ., bridge authorized across Mississippi CalJtle, A!!;ed .(~do-~):------------- - 293 pension_ _ __ ___ _ ____ ________ __ ______ 2187 CalJtle Rocks, Oreg., granted Oregon for park purposes_____ 148 CalJlle, WiUilJ, pension____________________________ 1943 Casualty Hospital, D. C., Pal'!. appropriation for care of indigent pa- tients _____________________ 674,1291 deficiency appropriation for _________ 10,892 Caswell, Walter H., pen~on ___________________________ ~ 2321 Catalogue of Scientific Literature, Interna- tional, appropriation for expenses, prepara- tion oC ___________________ 584,1241 Catalogue of Copyright Entries, Copyright Office, appropriation for publication oL ___ 529,1399 distribution of, as issued, to collectors of customs and postmasters of foreign mails exchange offices __ _ sales in whole or in part authorized ___ _ consolidated, and indexes, supplied on order by Superintendent of Pub- lic Documents _______________ _ deposit of receipts from ___________ _ Cataret, Mary F. (widow), 714 714 714 714 pension increased_ _ __ ________ _______ 2254 Cate, Chloe (widow), pension____________________________ 1810 CalelJ, !fele.n S. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ __________________ 2215 Cathca~t, N. ora (daughter), pensIOn mcreased_ ___ ____ __________ _ 1940 Cathedral Avenue NW., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Conduit Road to Potomac Avenue; from gasoline tax fund ____________ _ Catholic University of America, former incorporation of, approved, and 652 _powers extended _____________ _ Catlett, Mary Grace (daughter), 402 pension___ ______ __ ______ _______ ___ _ 1970 Cato, Pollie A. (tDidow), pension increased_ _ ____ ____ _________ 2279 Cato, Sarah J. (widow), pension . __ ___ ________________ ___ __ 1948 Cattle (see also Animal Industry Bureau, and Animals), appropriation for inspection and quar- antine work _______________ 545,1196 for eradicating scabies __________ 545,1196 for inspection of southern _______ 545, 1196 for supervising transportation of, etc _______________________ 545, 1196 for enforcing humane treatment of export_ __ _________________ 545, 1196 for executing twenty-eight hour law _ 545, 1196- for quarantine stations _________ 545,1196- for suppressing contagious diseases oL _______________________ 545,1196 for investigating tuberculosis and paratuberculosis of animals; con- trol, etc ___________________ 546, 1196 for tuberculin testing, etc., of. _ _ 546, 1196 payment for animals destroyed, etc.; State, etc., cooperation_546, 1196 for eradicating southern cattle ticks; restriction _________________ 546,1197 deficiency appropriation for inspection and quarantine work _________ _ for refunding duties on domestic, re- crossing boundary ____________ _ duties remitted pn, straying across boundary hne, admitted under bond, from April 1, 1927 to the present time _________________ _ bond for, to be canceled __________ _ 12 30 401 402