Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1453

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INDEX. 3107 East Portland,. Oreg., rate of Army transportation on land Pa&<!. ~:l~:,f~:TarmstroBot (talk) 02:26, 7 January 2012 (UTC)__ :~ __ 02:26, 7 January 2012 (UTC)~~ 722 Easter,. Ma.rgie C. (widow), pension Increased ___________________ 1879 Ea«terling, Margaret J. (widow), pension____________________________ 1835 Easterly, Lewis H., military record corrected _____ _ __ _ 1723, 2344 Eastern Dispensary and Casualty H08pital, D.C., appropriation for care of indigent patients __________________ 674,1291 deficiency appropriation fOL _______ 10,1631 Eaton, .cyn.thia C. (widow), pensIOn Increased___________________ 1917 Eaton, Frank, payment to________________________ 2263 Eaton, .Jan.e (widow), pcnslOn Increased_ _ _________________ 1886 Eaton, .NaTfcy R. (widow), pensIOn Increased___________________ 2203 Ebbert,. Ca~oline (widow), pensIOn Increased___________________ 1952 Ebbert, M. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _ _ __ ______________ 2057 Eberhard, Elvine C. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2106 Ebert, -!?m~ J. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _ _________________ 2096 Ebert, Isadora P. (widow), pension____________________________ 1803 Ecclcs,.Ma!ilda A. (widow), pensIOn Increased___________________ 2114 Eckard! Hll;nnah (widow), pensIOn Increased___________________ ::098 Eckert, Alice (widow), pension increased_ _ _________________ 2138 Eckert, Mary E. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2111 Ecuador, appropriation for minister to _______ 65, 1096 Eddy, ~ar.y F. (widow), pen~lOn Increased___________________ 1740 Eddy, Major Charles F., Army, credit allowed, for stolen funds_______ 2026 Edes, Mary E. (widow), pensioll____________________________ 1778 Edgar, Dorothy J. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2210 Edgerly', J1.flia A. (widow), pensIOn mcreased___________________ 1748 Edick, .charlotte (widow), pensIOn Increased___________________ 2162 Edinburg, Miss., bridge authorized across Pearl River, at_________ ._________________ 975 Edingt?n, ¥ary E. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _ _ ________________ 1781 Edington, Net/ie (widow), pension____________________________ 1757 Edison, Thomas A., deficiency appropriation for commemo- rative medal issued to_________ 1614 gold medal to be struck, with suitable inscriptions, and presented to, commemorative of his achieve- ments, etc_ __ ______ ___ __ _____ 1012 Edmonds, Bertha (widow), pension____________________________ 2217 Edmon~s, ¥ary M. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _ _ ________________ 1943 Edmonds, Sarah J. (widow), pension____________________________ 2213 Edwards, Annie E. (widow), Pa&<!. pension increased_ _______ ____ _______ 2253 Education Bureaul Interior Department, appropriation lor Commissioner, and office personneL _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ 238, 1002 for general expenses, travel, distribut- ing documents, etc _________ 238, 1602 for investigating land grant colleges, etc _______________________ 238, 1602 for study of work of, etc., of second- ary schools_ __ _____________ __ _ 1602 employment of specialists, etc_ _ _ _ 1602 for education in Alaska, under super- vision oL _________________ 239,1603 for medical relief in Alaska______ 239,1603 for reindeer for Alaska, sales, etc, _ 239, 1603 available for paying traveling ex- penses in Alaska, of new appoint- ees, and change of stations __ 240,1603 for printing and binding fOL ____ 202,1564 deficiency appropriation for education of Alaskan natives _______ 19,904,937 for school and home gardening______ 40 for buildings, etc., White Mountain and Golovin, Alaska___________ 904 for salaries, 1929, under_ ___ _______ 1683 Education, Commissioner oj, appropriation for traveling expenses, etc _______________________ 239, 1602 for education, etc., in Alaska, under _ 239, 1603 Edwards, Basha (widow), pension____________________________ 1776 Edwards, Celestia (widow), pension increased___________________ 2306 Edwards, Elizabeth (mother), pension____________________________ 1994 Edwards, Eugenia, payment to, of Bon's allotment due during World War ____________ 2369 Edwards, Fannie (widow), pension____________________________ 1813 Edwards, M. M., compensation to, for loss of her hus- band'sr.rsonal property_______ 1831 Edwar~, ¥ary . (u,'idow), pensIOn Increased___________________ 1974 Edwards, Robert 0., summoned before Army retiring board to inquire as to condition______ 2028 on findings of board may be appointed Major in Coast Artillery and retired_ _ _____________________ 2028 Edwards, Robert J., pension____________________________ 2383 Edwar~s, ~arepta J. (widow), pensIOn Increased___________________ 2211) Edwar~.s, If"illiam M., pensIOn Increased_ ~ ________ _________ 2007 Efficiency Bureau, appropriation for Chief of, office per- sonnel, and expenses _______ 576, 1233- for printing and binding for _ __ _ _ 576, 1233 deficiency appropriation for actuarial data, D. C. public schools, con- tract service ____________ :. . _ _ _ __ 886- for salaries, 1929, under____________ 1675. investigations, etc., of, extended' to District of Columbia. Municipal Government.___ _____ ______ ___ 576 to certify annually with estimates, statement of savings, in Govern- ment offices, etc., resulting from surveys and recommendations of___________________________ 1233