Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1463

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INDEX. 3117 Fairfield, Ohio, Army Air Depot, Page. amount authorized for constructing fuel oil tanks____ __ __ ____________ _ 130 construction authorized aL _______ 740, 1304 Fairlawn Avenue SE., D. C ., name of Railroad Avenue changed to __ Fairs, State, I nie'rstate, etc., appropriation for making agricultural 907 exhibits aL _______________ 543, 1193 F(':thful, Jane B. (widow), pension increased __ . L __________ _____ 1887 Falkenthal, Sergeant Charles, Army, deficiency ~~;Foiation for, loss of person operty ____________ _ Fall River, Mass., 35 appropriation for public building______ 1042 deficiency appropriation for public Falles, MTarmstroBot (talk) 02:28, 7 January 2012 (UTC)ct;l~.a~;;;id~~),---- - ------ -- 920 pension increased ___________________ 1781 Fal/on, Mary (widow), pension increased___________________ 22f1 Fallon, Nev., deficiency appropriation for public building aL _________________ _ 32 Falloon, Virgil, etc., may bridge Missouri River, at Rulo, Nebr _______________________ _ 390 time extended for bridging Missouri River, at Rulo, Nebr., by____ 1524 Fano, 1m~nda S. (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ __________________ 1910 Fantus Brothers, claim for overpayment by, to be ad- justed_______________________ 2364 Far East, The, appropriation for developing commerce with ______________________ 86,1117 deficiency appropriation for promoting commerce with ____________ 733,1617 Fargo, George E. (son), pension_ ______________________ __ ___ 1957 Fargo, N. Dak., appropriation for public building_ _ 179, 1042 discretionary authority as to site, construction, etc _____________ _ may bridge Red River of the North, to Moorhead, Minn ____________ _ 179 472 time extended for bridging Red River of the North, at, by__________ 1534 Fargo, William (son), pension____________________________ 1957 Farler, Leah D. (widow), pension____________________________ 2286 Farley, Sarah E. (widow), pension____________________________ 1886 Farm Fires, appropriation for developing methods of preventing ________________ 557,1207 Farm Forestry, Cooperative, appropriation for assisting establish- ment, etc., oL _____________ 543,1193 Farm Irrigation, appropriation for investigations, etc _______________________ 560, 1211 Farm Lands, cooperative employment with States, etc., of county extension for rehabilitating, in flood areas of 1927 _______________________ _ Farm Loan Associations, exempt from income tax ____________ _ Farm Loan Bureau (8ee Federal Farm Loan Bureau, Treasury Depart- ment). 53 814 Farm .M anagement and Practice, Pap. appropriation for investigating, etc., improved methods oL _____ 561, 1211 for ascertll.ining cost of production of staple agricultural produets_ 561, 1212 Farm Products, appropriation for diffusing information of marketin~, etc., oL _____ 561, 1212 cotton and by-products research__ 1212 cooperative with other agcn- cies ______________________ 561,1212 forms of wool and mohair grades to be sold _________________ 561,1212 for cooperative employment of agents to diffuse information as to mar- keting, etc., oL ___________ 561,1212 for investigating and certifying con- dition of perishable, etc ____ 561, 1212 for utilizing, in the home ________ 564,1215 report on cooperative marketing, or- dered printed________________ 2392 Farm Products, Perishable, appropriation for purchases of, for detecting violations of Standard Container, etc., Acts _______ 563,1214 deficiency appropriation for agency expenses, preventing dumping of, in interstate commerce______ 13 Farm Relief, members elect to 71st Congress of Com- mittee on Agriculture, House of Representatives, to hold meet- ings, etc., to gather information and prepare bHis, etc., for______ 1624 Farme~, H~lena (widow), pensIOn mcrcased__ ____________ ____ _ 1905 Farmer, Kate (widow), pension____________________________ 1819 Farmer, Sarah (widow), pension____________________________ 2319 Farmers' Bulletins, appropriation for printing and bind- ing _______________________ 541,1191 Farmers' Cooperative Demonstration Work, appropriaton for expenses oL ______ 542,1193 acceptance of contributions within a State ___________________ 542, 1193 Farmers' Cooperative Marketing, etc., Asso- ciations, exempt from income tax_____________ 813 Farmers' Irrigation Di3trict, appropriation for operating, etc., Nine Mile Drain, North Platte proj- ect__________________________ 1593 Farmers' Mutual Casualty Insurance Com- panies, exempt from income tax_ .. ___________ 813 Farmers National Ba'flk, Danville, Ky., reimbursement to, for stolen Liberty bonds_______________________ 1724 Farmers' Produce Market, D. C., acquisition of site and construction of, authorized_ __________________ 1487 Farnha,m, 9riana M. (widow), pensIOn mcreased___________________ 2066 Farrar, Edwin G. (son), pension____________________________ 1803 Farrar, Kathryn (widow), pension____________________________ 1814 Farrell, Mary A. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2287 Farrell~ M~nnie F. (widow), penston mcreased_ _____ __ _ __________ 1754