Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1488

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3142 INDEX. Getchel~, F~an('es (widow), Page. penSIon mcreased_ ___ _____________ __ 2223 Gettysburg National Military Park, appropriation for continuing establish- ment oC _________________ 356,1376 Geyer, Elizabeth (widow), pension increased___________________ 2175 Gherardi, Captain Walter R., Navy. fitnees of, for promotion to rear admiral, to be considered______________ 2353 carried as additional number, if approved ______ . ____ _____ ____ 2353 Ghols~, A~aline A. (widow), Gibb~;~E~:a(~gh~ ~ ------------- 2279 pension___________________________ 2222 Gibboney, Fanme S. (widow), Gibb~!!~J!::.,eC~~di~l: -------------- 2099 erection of memorial statue of, on designated reservation iTl. Dis- trict of Columbia, authorized___ _ 453 approval of design by Commission of Flne Arts____________________ 454 supervision of erection_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ 454 no Government expense_ _ _ _ _____ 454 Gibbs, !lele.n (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ ____________ ____ __ 2201 Gibbs, ?Jar'y J. (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ _ __ __ ____________ _ 2302 Gibbs, Nancy R. (widow), pen~on___________________________ 2312 Giboney, Sallie A. (daughter), pension___________________________ 1826 Gibson, Agnes F. (widow), pension increased _ _ __ ____ ______ _____ 2056 Gibson, Annie M. (widow), pension___________________________ 2246 Gibson, Elizabeth (widow), pension___________________________ 2242 Gibson,. Fi~elia A. (widow), peUSlon mcreased___________________ 2188 Gibson, Hannah J. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2061 Gibson, Hugh S., credits allowed, American minister, for loss of official funds _ _ ________ _ 1854 Gibson, James M., pension___________________________ 1766 Gibson, Maggie L. (mother), Gib:~::Sd'~~h-j. - {~"'o_,; ;)~----- --- ---- - - 2382 pensIOn mcreased___________________ 1899 Gideon, Hattie (widow), pension____________________________ 1764 Giffen, .cat~erine (widow), penslon mcreased_ _____ __ _____ ____ __ 1881 Giffin, !lan.nah (widow), penSIOn Increased_ _____ __ ____ ___ ____ 2049 Gifford! El!zabeth (widow), penSIon mcreased_ ___ _______________ 2307 Gifford, Mary E. (widow), pension increased _______________ - - __ 2099 Gila and San Francisco Rifers, etc., consent given to compact between New Mexico and Arizona for equit- able division of water supply of. 1517 Federal representative to take part in negotiations, 8.nd report to Congress_____________________ 1517 expenses of, from reclamation fund________________________ 1517 compact subject to approval of each legislature and Congress_______ 1517 Gila River, Ariz., Paae. deficiency appropriation for Coolidge Dam, canyon oL ___________ 18,1639 disposal authorized of bridge across, in San Carlos Apache Reservation, Ariz_________________________ 973 surveys, etc., authorized to determine methods of using, and tributaries, above San Carlos Reservoir, for irrigation, etc., in New Mexico and Arizona___ ___ __ __________ 739 sum authorized from reclamation fund________________________ 739 equal amount from local sources__ 739 Gila River Indian Reservation, Ariz., appropriation for irrigation system, lands of Pima. Indians ______ 210,1573 deficiency appropriation for diversioI' . dam ________ .. _______________ 46, 934 for irrigation project; repayment_ 47, 1617 Gilbert, Amanda (widow), pension increased_ __________________ 2207 Gilbert,. Eli.zabeth (widow), pensIOn mcreased___________________ 1886 Gilbert, George H., military record corrected ________ _____ 1723 Gilbert,,Je1l;nie A. (widow), penSIOn mcreased_ _ ____ ______ __ ____ _ 2307 Gilbert, John R., pension____________________________ 2322 Gilbert,. Ju~ia A. (widow). pensIOn mcreased_ ___________ _______ 2206 Gilbert, Mary E., (widow) pension increased___________________ 1915 Gilberts Ferry, Ala., bridge authorized &cross Coosa Rh'er, at___________________________ 1526 Gilchrist, Phillis (widow), pension increased_ _ __ ____ ______ __ ___ 1888 Gilders!eeve., Isabella C. S . (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ _ __ ____ __ ____ _____ 2202 Gile, E!len.H. (widow), pensIOn mcreased___________________ 2113 f;iles, Emma A. (widow), pension increased _ _ ____ ______ _______ 1739 Gilke8s?n, <:atheri ne (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ _ __ __ ____ ____ _____ 2124 Gill, A!mir.a (widow), penSIon mcreased ___________________ 2165 Gill, M.eli8~a (widow), pensIOn mcreased___________________ 1910 Gill, Sc:rah. A. (widow), pensIOn lllcreased_ _ __ __ ____________ _ 2114 Gille, ¥ar1! J. (widow), penSIOn mcreased___________________ 1750 Gillespey, Sarah (widow), pension____________________________ 1751 Gilles~e, qlara J. (mother), pensIOn mcreased_ _ __ ____ __ ____ ____ _ 2322 GillesPi;e, B,arah C. (widow), pensIOn mcreascd_ _ __ __ __ ____ ____ ___ 2302 Gillett, E. M., claim of, for tea inspection for Navy, to be adjusted________________ 2354 Gilley, Joseph, pension____________________________ 1847 Gillfillan, Margaret (widow), pension increased_ ___ __ ______ _______ 1914 GilligaTf. ~ary L. (widow), pensIon lllcreased_ _ __ ___ ____ ________ 1969 Gillila1l;d, 4manda J. (widow), penSIon mcreased_ ______________ ____ 1920 Gilpin Construction Company, payment to, for labvr, materials, etc___ 2328