Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1513

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INDEX. 3167 Howard Univer8ity, D. C .-Continued. PII&'fl . annual appropriations authorized for aid in construction, mainte- nance, etc., oL_______________ 1021 Howe, ~mefine Harriet (widow), pensIOn Increased_ ___________ __ ____ _ 1738 Howe, ~us~ell G., pensIOn Increased_ _ __ __ ____ _ ___ __ _ _ _ 1994 HoweU~ Ca:rie E. (daughter), penSIon Increased___________________ 1765 HoweU\ Du,dley J., penSIon Increased___________________ 1839 HoweU\ E"!ma L. (widow), pensIon Increased___________________ 2065 H oweU,. ~setta (widow), pensIOn Increased __________________ . 2189 Howell, Mariah T. (widow), pensionincreased. _______ ____ ______ _ 2178 Hvwcll,. Ml!ry E. (widow). pensIOn Increased_ ___ ____ __________ _ 2147 Howerton. Kathrine (widow). pension____________________________ 1885 Howes. Mary J. (widow). pension____________________________ 1823 Howrey, Charles Wesley. pension____________________________ 2310 Howsley, Aliee E. (widow), pension____________________________ 1798 Howsm,on, .Emma (widow), penSIon Incre8.Red___________________ 2245 Howze,. C. H. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _ ____ __ _______ ____ 1845 Hoxsie, Inez L. (daughter), pension____________________________ 2301 Hoyt, Catlulrine (widot~), pension____________________________ 2242 Hoyt, Captain P. G ., Army, credit allowedin accounts of. _ _ ______ 2261 Hubbard, Edmund F., summoned before Army retiring board to inquire as to nature, etc., of disabilities _ __________________ 1988 on report of board, President may confirm order of discharge, or appoint him captain of Infantry, retired_ ___ _ __ __ _ _ _ ________ _ __ 1988 Hubbard, Flora A. (widow), pension____________________________ 1742 liubbard, H. Warren, deficiency appropriation for contested election expenses______________ 884 Hubbard, Mary A. (widow), pension____________________________ 1911 Hubba~d, ~arah (widow), penSIon Increased___________________ 2205 Hubler! Ml!ry E. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ __________________ 1871 Hu.ckshorn, WiUiam, pension____________________________ 1966 Huddle, J. Klahr, credit allowed, Foreign Service officer, for loss of official funds_ _ _ _ __ _ 1854 Hudd~tonl Matilda M. (widow), pensIOn Increa.sed_ ____ ___ __ ________ _ 1979 Hudso"!-, Fl!nnie (widow oj David), pensIOn Increased___________________ 2276 Hudso~, Fl!nnie (widow oj John W.), pension Increased___________________ 2074 Huds01!, H.uldah A. (widow), pension Increa.sed_ _ __ __ _ _______ _ _ _ _ _ 2077 Huds01!, N,ancy Jane (widow), pension Increased___________________ 1979 Huene[eld. Ehrenfried Gunther von, distmguished flying crOBB, to be. pre- sented to. James C. Fitz- Maurice, and Herman Koehl. for first airplane nonstop flight from Europe to North America _____ _ Hu:f!, IfeleTf L. (widow), pensIOn Increased _____________ - ____ _ Huff, ¥art,ha (widow), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ Huff, Mar1/ L. (widow), pension Increased. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ _ Huff, Rachel (daughter), pension ___________________________ _ Huff, ~ebe~ca L. (widow), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ Huff, ~ara~ F. (widow), pensIOn mcreased __________________ _ Huffaker, Sarah A. (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Huffine., A1f8elena (widow), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ Huffine, Sarah E. (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Huffml!n, qlara (widow), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ Huffman, Dovey A. (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Huffman, Elizabeth B. (widow), pension __________________________ _ Huffman, Josepha A. (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Huff~n, ¥argaret L. (widow), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ Huffman, Sarah J. (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Huffman, Thomas Edwin, redemption of lost United States notes_ Huggins, Thomas, payment to, for property damages ___ _ Hugh, ~lea,nor E. (widow), pensIOn mcreased __________________ _ Hughes, Charles Evans, appointed as a Regent of Smithsonian Institution __________________ _ Hughes,. Eljza D. (widow), pensIOn mcreased __________________ _ Hughes, Elizabeth J. (widow), pension __________________________ _ Hughes,. F,,?rence (widow), pensIOn mcreased __________________ _ Hughes, Guss, pension __________________________ _ Hughes, John J., pension __________________________ _ Hughes, Maggie A. (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Hughes, Malissa (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Hughes, Mary (widow), pension increased__________________ _ Hughes, Virginia (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Hughes,. Z~a L. Waid (widow), penSIon Increased __________________ _ Hughs,. Ma,ry (widow), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ Hugo, Okla., terms of court at________ .: _________ _ Huhn, .Pau,linus G., penSIOn mcreased __________________ _ Hulbert, Mary A. (widow), pension __________________________ _ P ..... 482 1936 2231 2204 1958 1926 2148 2251 2088 2127 1961 2272 1919 2153 1898 1969 1828 1985 2070 1 2243 1783 2280 1840 1848 2143 1973 2233 1746 1737 2292 1518 1834 1801