Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1515

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INDEX. 3169 Hydrographic Conference, International, Paae. appropriation for expenses of attending, Navy Department delegates to_ 624 HydrographicOjfice, Navy Department, appropriation for civilian employees, Navy Department _________ 642,1470 for additional flmployees___________ 642 for printing and binding for _____ 643,1471 for contingent expenses _________ 643, 1471 for materials, etc _______________ 643, 1471 for pilot charts, etc _____________ 643,1472 for expenses, branch offices ______ 643, 1472 for employees, branch offices ____ 643, 1472 deficiency appropriation for expenses__ 24 for branch offices salariesJ..1929_____ 1686 Hygiene, etc., Public Schools, u. C ., appropriation for expenses, etc., under Health Department ________ 668,1285 time requirement of chief inspec- tor__________________________ 668 division of employees___________ 668 for dental clinics_ ___ ______ _____ 668, 1285 Hygienic Laboratory, Public Health Service, appropriation for maintenance _____ 173,1039 deficiency appropriation for mainte- nance ______________________ 48,1619 Hyland, Catherine D. (widow), pensiu::J.increased___ -_______________ 2236 I. I cenho"fer, .Luceta (widow), penslOn lDcreased __________________ _ Idaho, construction le~alized of bridge across Snake River by, at Heyburn __ _ at Idaho Falls___________________ _ Craters of the Moon National Monu- ment, area enlarged __________ _ granted easement to designated lands in Nez Perce Indian Reservation for propagation of fish and game_ lands for fish culture _____________ _ payment required; minerals ra- served ______________________ _ description; John Smiths Lake included ____________________ _ Kaniksu National Forest, Washington and, boundaries modified ______ _ lands deeded by, to be patented to city of BuhL ____________________ _ may bridge Snake River, near Indian Cove _______________________ _ near Swan Valley ________________ _ Pend Oreille National Forest, area modified ____________________ _ Idaho Falls, Idaho. construction l~alized of bridge across Snake Rlver, by Idaho, at _____ _ Idaho National Forut, lands added to _____________________ _ Ignacio Indian Boarding School, Colo., appropriaiion for enlargement, etc ___ _ l:.ams, Seth L., homestead patent to _______________ _ Ilfenfr~tz, {sabell (widow), penSlOn lDcreased __________________ _ Ilgenfritz, Sarranda J. (widow), pension increased __________________ _ llitz, Michael, placed on retired list of Army, 88 ser- geant _______________________ _ IUichev8ky, George J., reimbursement to __________________ _ 1868 286 117 2959 1022 1142 1142 1142 2911 644 111 111 2912 117 415 1578 1726 2216 2143 1987 2258 Illinois, p~. may acquire, after completion, bridge across Illinois River, at Grafton_ 604 Mississippi River, at Bettendorf, Iowa________________________ 760 at Carondelet, Mo_______________ 505 at Chester____________________ 284,291 Ohio River, at Cairo, Ill___________ 196 at Golconda, Ill________________ 320 at Mound City, I1L_____________ 316 at Shawneetown, Ill_____________ 479 Wabash River, at McGregors Ferry, Ill__________________________ 480 may bridge Little Calumet River, at Ashland Avenue, Cook County, Ill__________________________ 1510 Rock River, at Dixon_____________ 63 time extended for bridging Mississippi River, at Savanna, by Iowa and_ 297, 1158 Wabash River, at Mount Carmel, by Indiana and _______________ 384, 1094 IUinoi8 Northern Judicial District, vacancy in office of additional judge for, to be filled_______________ 974 IUinoi8 River, bridge ~uthorized across, at Grafton, Ill__________________________ 604 at Peoria, Ill_____________________ 392 IUinoi8 River and Tributaries, project for flood control of, to be sub- mitted_______________________ 038 Imboden, Ark., bridge authorized across Spring River, at___________________________ 1093 Imel, JfartfuJ O. (widow), penSlOn mcreased_ __________________ 1955 Imhoff,. La~nia (widow), penSlOn lDcreased___________________ 2297 Immigrant Stations, appropriation for remodeling, etc_ _ 107, 1137 Immigrants, appropriation for investi~ating trans- portbtion of, on ShlPping Board vessels ____________________ 585,1243 Immigration, deported alien excluded from admission, and if attemptin~ to do so, guilty of a felony; pUlllshment for_____ 1551 alien ordered deported, having left United States, considered law- fully deported________________ 1551 subject to exclusion from admission, employed upon a vessel arriving, not permitted to land__________ 1551 restricted admission; persons deported anti seeking admission within one year, unless readmission con- sented to by Secretary of Labor _ 1551 prohibition against Plaster, etc., ofa vt',ssel knowingly bringing in ex- cluded alien until time when en- titled to reapply for admission_ _ 1551 alien en~ring United States at other than at designated time or place, eluding examination. or willfully making false statements, etc., guilty of a miAdemeanor; punish- ment for_____________________ 1551 un"~r sentence to impruonment not to be deported until after termina- tion thereoL _ ________________ 15[;2 detailed record of aliens convicted to be notified to Secretary of Labor _ _ 1552