Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1528

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3182 INDEX. Indian Affairs Bureau, Interior Depart- Pap. ment-Continued. appropriation for reimbursement of Harvey Company for road con- struction to Puye Cliff Ruins___ 1586 for road construction, etc., on reser- vations excluded from benefits of Federal Highway Act_______ 1587 for constructing two bridges, Menom- inee Reservation, Wis., from tribal funds_ ________ ______ __ _ 1587 for erection of monuments, etc ___ 225, 1587 for memorial at Pawhuska to Indians who died in World War ____ 225,1587 for acquiring site and erecting me- morial to commemorate battle with Sioux Indians _________ 225,1587 for monument to Quannah Parker __ 225 for fulfilling treaty with Senecas, N.Y _____________________ 225,1587 Six Nation~ N. Y ____________ 225,1587 Choctaws, ukla______________ 225,1587 fo!' purchase of land for Saint Croix Chippewa Indians, Wis _____ 225,1587 discretionary cash payment ___ 225, 1587 for per capita payment to Menominee Indians, WiS., from tribal funds_ 226 deficiency appropriation for purchase, etc., of supplies _______________ 17,46, 899,993, 1617, 1618 for schools _______ 47,934,1617,1621,1640 for paying judgment against Chero- kee Indians, Okla., from tribal funds_______________________ 17 for suppressing contagious diseases among livestock______________ 17 for Truckee-Carson irrigation dis- trict, Nev., Paiute allotted lands assessment_ __________________ 17 for reconnaissance work relating to irrigation, Middle Rio Grande conservancy district_ ___ _______ 17 for school, Santa Fe, N. Mex _____ 17,1640 for Sequoyah Orphan Training School,Okla_________________ 17 for Jemez and Tesuque Pueblos, N. Mex., loss of lands, etc________ 17 for Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Indians, Okla__ _______ __ ____ __ 18 for payment to Shawnees, under treaty stipulations _ _ _ ____ _____ 18 for Papa!l:o Reservation, Ariz., road construction _____________ __ __ 18 for constructing Coolidge Dam, etc__ 18, 900, 1639 for support of Indians in Arizona ___ 41, 47 for Sioux Indians, subsistence, etc__ 41 for Colville Agency, etc., Indians___ 41 for inspectors_ _ _ _ _ _ ______________ 46 for jud~s,Indiancourts----------- 46 for cit.izen commission_____________ 46 for timber culture, etc_____________ 46 for encouraging industry, etc ______ 46, 933 for Gila River diversion dam, Ariz_ _ 46 for agency, etc., buildings _________ 47,934 for boardingschools __________ 47,901,934 for school, Wahpeton, N. Dak______ 47 for Sioux Nation,education________ 47 for relieving distress, etc_ ________ __ 47, 1617, 1621, 1673 for general support, etc__ ___ ___ ____ _ 47, 933, 1610, 1617, 1621 for support, etc., Northern Cheyennes and Arapahoes, MonL ___ 47,934,1617 for Chippewas of Lake Superior, Wis_ 47 Indian Affair8 Bureau, Interior Depart- Paae. m.nt-Continued. deficiency appropriation for expenses, Osage murder trials, Okla _____ _ for Indians of Fort Belknap Reserva- tion, Mont., for value of a.llot- ments, etc __________________ _ 899 899 for Fort Wingate Military Reserve, N. Mex., transfer of land______ 899 for allotment of lands on Shoshone Reservation, Wyo__ ______ _____ 899 for Indian colony ,Winnemucca, Nev., land improvements, etc ________ 899 for Okanogan County, Wash., pay- ment of taxes, etc., on allotted Indian lands _______ .. ________ _ for Papago Reservation, Ariz., fence_ for Navajo Indian~ purchaseofland_ for Alabama. and \./oushatta. Indians, Tex ________________________ _ for Klamath Reservation, Oreg., for- 899 899 899 900 est insect controL_____________ 900 for Consolidated Ute AI~ency, Colo., water system, employees' cot- tages, etc____ ___ ______________ 900 for Coolidge Dam, power plant_ ____ 900 for F~~ ~all Reservation, Michaud diVlslOn ___ . . ___ __ __ ________ ___ gOO for Hogback irrigation project, Nav- ajo Reservation, N. Mex_______ 900 for Middle Rio Grande conservancy project1• N. Mex.; repayment_ 900, 1640 for Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kans _______________ 901, 1610, 1640 for compensation for crop damages, etc., Isleta Pueblo, N. Mex_____ 901 for Riverside School, Anadarko, Okla. 901 for school, Riverside, CaliL________ 901 for school, Bismarck, N. Dak_______ 901 for conservation of health, etc., among Indians _____________ 901,934 for hospital, etc., Menominee Reser- vation, Wis___________________ 901 for payments, etc., Pottawatomie In- dians of Wis. and Mich.; reap- for g~~riii!~~:~~tiTarmstroBot (talk)-M~;t~-r~ad 901 construction_______ __ _ ____ ____ _ 902 for bridge construction, Jemez River, Sia Pueblo, N. Mex___________ 902 for Lummi Reservation, Wash., road construction__________________ _ 902 for Hoopa Valley Reservation, Calif., bridge and road_______________ 002 for Zuni Reservation, N. Mex., road construction__________________ _ for tablet at Medicine Lodge, Kans., to commemorate holding Indian peace council, etc ____________ _ for Puyallup Cemetery , Wash _____ _ for increasing grazing ranges, etc___ _ for diversion dam, Gila Rivcr Reser- vation, Ariz _________________ _ for fulfilling treaties with Navajoes, 902 902 902 934 934 Ariz_________________________ 934 for Indians in Nevada_____________ 934 for Five Civilized Tribes__ 1617, 1671, !673 for Navajo and Hopi Indians, water supply______________________ 1617 for Gila. River irrigation project, Ariz_________________________ 1617 for support of Indians in Cali- fornia ___________________ 1617,1621 for support of Indians in New Mexico______________________ 1617