Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1719

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INDEX. 3373 Reddinf/, Z.ella B. (widow), Page. Reformatory, D. C .-Continued. PSJl:8. penSIOn Increased __________________ _ Redlingshajer, H. L., 1991 appropriation for providing working credit in accounts oL________________ 2356 Redman, Phenie (widow), pension __ ___ _ _____ ____ _ _____ __ _ ___ _ 1826 Reed, Amelia, (widow), pension increased ___________________ 2055 Reed, Diadema (widow), pension____________________________ 1773 Reed, Eliza (widow), pension ______________ ~_____________ 1805 Reed, Fjliza;beth (widow), penSIOn Increased___________________ 2193 Reed, Fjlla .M . (widow), penSIOn Increased_ _ __ ___ _____ _ ___ __ _ 22S1 Reed, Fjm"!a J. (widow), penSIOn Increased_ _ ___ __ _____ __ __ ___ 2269 Reed, Fjm"!aline (widow), penSIOn Increased_ _ _ ___ ____ ____ __ __ _ 2218 Reed, Major F. Ellis, reimbursement to___________________ 1714 Reed, Ifarrj-et A. (widow), penSIOn Increased_ _ _ ___ __ ____ ____ __ _ 1902 Reed, .J.enn.ett (widow), penSIOn Increased_ _ __ __ __ ____ __ __ __ _ 1885 Reed, Kathrina (widow), pension____________________________ 1786 Reed, Marqaret (widow), pension Increased_ __ ___ _ ___ ___ ____ _ _ 1890 Reed, Mar1! A. (widow of Stephen N.), pension Increased _ _ __ __ ___ _____ __ _ __ 2198 Reed, lI!ar1! A. (widow of Willis D.), pensIOn Increased_ _ __ ___ ___ ____ __ __ _ 2151 Reed, Mar1! C. (widow), pension Increased_ ___ __ __ ______ ____ _ 2224 Reed, Melvie A. (widow), pension____________________________ 1926 Reed, Nettie A. (daughter), pension____________________________ 2224 Reed, ~ho~a C. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _ __ __ __ ___ ___ _ ___ _ 1876 Reed, Sophronia (widow), pension____________________________ 2309 Reed, Susie May (daughter), pension____________________________ 2309 Reed, Walter, nllme placed on yellow fever honor roll, and presented gold medaL _ __ __ 1409 Reeder,. Cat,harine (widow), pensIOn Increased_ __________________ 2057 Reeder, Mary A. (widow), pension increased_ _ __ __ __ ____ _ ___ __ _ 2107 Reedy, .I8a~ella (widow). . pensIOn mcreased___________________ 2226 Rees, Jl.!arrt A. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _ __ _ ___ __ ___ __ __ __ 1885 Reese, Lydia (widow), pension increased _ _ __ __ ___ ___ __ __ __ _ 2187 Reeser, . M a,ry E. (widow), penSIOn mcreased_ _ _ _ __ __ __ __ ____ __ _ 2057 Reeves Ferry, N. C., bridge authorized across Waccamaw River, at. ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ _ ~- 516 RejJUt, Amanda (widow), pension____________________________ 1817 Reforestation, amount authorized for investigations of costs and returns, and possi- bility of profitable timber grow- ing, etcAby-----------_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 702 Reformatory, D. l:., appropriation for salaries _________ 673,1289 for constructing buildings, etc_ _ _ 673, 1289 for maintenance, etc ___________ 673,1290 capital for industrial enterprises_ 674, 1290 deficiency appropriation for material for motor metal tags__________ 10 for construction, etc______________ 1630 Refund of Erroneous Collection3, D. C., appropriation for; availability ____ 651, 1269 deficiency appropriation for _________ 8, 1629 Refund of Internal Revenue Taxa, appropriation for, illegally collected_ _ _ 1035 deficiency appropriation for illegally collected excess tax on auto- mobile accessories_ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ 30 for, illegally collected ______ 933,1613,1618 for collections_ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ ___ _ ___ 935 authorized to owner, of excess taxes paid on distilled spirits in tax- paid warehouse______________ 492 directed, if erroneously or illegally col- lected; penalties, etc _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ 996 repayment to collector of money re- covered against him__________ 996 damages against officials_ _ _ _ __ ___ 996 report to Congress in excess of $500, eachyear____________________ 996 Register of the Treasury, appropriation for operating force, Annex for __________________ _ 163 Register of Wills, D. C., appropriation for salaries _________ 648, 1266 for contingent expenses _________ 648, 1266 deficiency appropriation for contingent expenses ____________________ 7, 1628 Registered Mail, Postal Service, appropriation for indemnity for lost, domestic __________________ 191,1053 deficiency appropriation for paying in- demnities, lost international_ _ _ _ 938, 1620, 1622 indemnity fees on, in addition to regular postage_ _________ __ _____ ____ 469 official mail of departments, bureaus thereof, independent Govern- ment institutions in Washington, D. C ., or Public Printer, may be registered without paying fee___ 469 uniform system of registration and in- demnity therefor, may be estab- lished_______________________ 469 Register3 of Land Offices, appropriation for salaries and commis- sions _____________________ 203,1565 deficiency appropriation for ________ 46,1637 compensation fixed oL______________ 684 at Juneau, Alaska________________ 684 Registration and Selection for Military Service, deficiency appropriation for ____ 49,937,1619 Rego, Jacob E., pension____________________________ 2320 Rehabilitation of Persons Disabled in In- dustry, Vocational, appropriation for promotion oC ___ 578,1235 for investigating placements, etc, of. 578, 1236 provisions for vocational, of disabled residents of District of Colum- bia_ .. ___________ ____________ _ 1260 Reiber,. Ma,ry A. (widow), pension mcreased __________________ _ 2173 Reichelt, Edward W. (son), pension ___________________________ _ 1838