Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1746

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3400 Settlement of War Clai11l8 Act, 19£5-Con. only total aillount to be awarded; de- duction of expenses by Arbiter and prior payments __________ _ pro rata reduction of, if tentative awards exceed aggregate au- thorued ____________________ _ awards to be certified by Arbiter to Secretary of the Treasury _____ _ payment of, directed; interest on un- paid claims _________________ _ from German special deposit ac- count_______________________ _ no payment of, to German Govern- xnent,etc ___________________ _ axnount to be credited on final pay- xnent by Germany on account of awards by Claixns CoDlDlis- sion ___________________ . _____ _ tixne lixnited for xnaking application for payxnent_________________ _ payments only to claixnant direct __ _ to legal representative of deceased person______________________ _ to terminated partnership, etc ___ _ to receiver or trustee, duly ap- pointed by a court ___________ _ to assignee of an award _________ _ information, upon request of Arbiter, to be furrushed from records, etc., of departxnents, Governxnent agencies, etc_________________ _ temporary details of officia.le for: assignments from Departxnent of Justice _____________________ _ Arbiter authorized to .appoint and fix salaries of necessary personnel, make expenditures, etc., within funds available ______________ _ additional pay allowed persons de- tailed; travel and subsistence expenses allowed _____________ _ office of, etc., to cease when awards are certified to Secretary of the Treasury____________________ _ records, equipxnent, etc., to be transferred to Treasury Depart- xnent _______________________ _ restriction on xnaking awards; if claixn filed too late ________________ _ final judgxnent of compensation awarded against United States__ suits pending, and not disxnissed by claixnant____________________ _ sum of $50,000,000, authorized to be

TarmstroBot (talk)b?eTarmstroBot (talk)'__TarmstroBot (talk) _03:15, 7 January 2012 (UTC)~~:

additional after awards are certified_ ag~gat,e lixnited to $100,000,000 __ _ proVlSions hereof the exclusive xnethod for presenting and paying claixns arising out of acts, etc., of United States ______________________ _ consent to, by claixnants, assuxned by filing claim__________________ _ claiIns for vessels "Carl Diederich- sen" and" Johanne," not barred by_________________________ _ apportionxnent, if aggregate of award is for two or xnore claims________ _ pro rata payxnents of tentative awards_ aggregate of, limited _____________ _ German special deposit account created; funds to be deposited in, and payxnents xnade froxn _________ _ INDEX. Page. 257 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 Settlement of War Claima Act, 19S5-Con. Gerxnan special deposit account created; deposits directed in; sums trans- ferred by Alien Property Cus- todian ______________________ _ awards to German nationals_____ _ money received on account of Mixed Claixns Coxnmission awards _____________________ _ payments from, directed in priority of order; adxninistration ex- penses ______________________ _ awards for death orinj ury, by Coxn- mission _____________________ _ other Commission awards not ex- ceeding $100,000_____________ _ axnount of $100,000, on account of awards in excess thereof; lixnit to one person________________ _ additional, on awards equal to 80 per cent of all payxnents; basis of __________________________ _ installxnents, pending coxnpletion of work of COmxnission __________ _ tentative awards of Arbiter for Ger- xnan ships, etc _______________ _ to Germans equal to 50 per cent of aggregate awards of Arbiter; funds available______________ _ accrued interest on participating certificates _________________ _ accrued interest on unpaid awards_ repaying investxnents in partici- pating certificates by Alien Prop- erty Custodian ______________ _ difference between axnounts of German claiDlB, and prior pay- xnents thereoL ______________ _ difference between total of Coxn- mission awards, and prior pay- ments thereoL _____________ ._ apportionxnent of, if funds not available for totaL ___________ _ re~ay investxnent of unallocated Interest fund ________________ _ the Treasury, awards of ClaiIIlB Coxnxnission to the United States the Treasury funds remaining after coxnpletion of authorized pay- ments ______________________ _ availability of 50 per cent of award" of Arbiter___________________ _ allowance for expenses from _____ _ investxnent of, in Federal securities; credit for interest, etc ________ _ deduction froxn award to an Ameri- can, of debt paid by Custodian which ~~ not credited by ClaiInB CoxnxnlBSlon _________________ _ Commissioner of Tripartite Claixns Comxnission to certify to Secre- tary of Treasury awards to Americans against Austria and IIungary____________________ _ payxnents authorized _____________ _ froxn Austrian or IIungarian special deposits ____________________ _ expenses to be deducted from; axnount deposited in the Treas- ury ________________________ _ axnounts awarded to the United States ______________________ _ time lixnit for xnaking applications for _________________________ _ only to claimants; exceptions ____ _ 2(j0 260 260 260 260 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 261 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262 263 263 263 263