Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1781

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INDEX. 3435 Tranba.rger! Anna L. (widow), Paae. penmonlnc~d ___________________ 2084 Trandum, Bolger M., allowed additional time to establish homestead entry _____ __ ______ _ 1720 TraMit Pa7l, Foreign Service OJficera, appropriation for _________________ 68,1099 Trana~ion and Recruiting, Marine Corpa, appropriatIon for ________________ 640,1467 for mileage ___________________ 640,1467 Tranaportation and Recruiting, Navy, appropriation for; mileage, etc ____ 632, 1460 dependents of officers and enlisted men________ .: ______' ___ __ __ 632, 1460 deficiency appropriation for _______ 42,44,47, 934,937,1618,1621,1671,1673 Trilnaportation, Army, appropriation for, and supplies_ _ _ _ 333, 1356 dependents of officers and enlisted men; costrestriction _______ 333,1357 discharged prisoners, etc., to their homes ____________________ 333, 1357 boats, drayage, vehicles, etc ___ 333, 1357 draft and pack animals _______ 333,1357 travel allowances, on discharge_ 333 . 1357 amount for fuel and transporta- tion thereof immediatelyavail- able ________________________ 333, 1357 deficiency appropriation for _______ 42,44,49, 935,938,1619,1622,1672,1674 expert services for ferryboat, construc- tion, allowed from____________ 35 rate of, on land grant railroad, East Portland, Oreg. to Roseville, Calif________________________ 722 Tranaportation, Foreign Service OjJicera, appropriation for, to and from posts_ 68, 1099 on leaves of absence ___________ 68,1099 passage on foreign ships re- stricted ____________________ 68, 1099 bringing home remains of officers dyingabroad _______________ 69,1099 deficiency appropriation for _________ 27,48, 1618, 1651 Tranaportation, Mail (lIeeMail Trans- portation). Travelstead, WiU G., pension__ ___ _________ __ ___ ____ ______ 2008 Traver, Elizabeth L. (widow), pension____________________________ 1783 Trat'erll, Minnie A., reimbursement to, for destruction of home________________________ 2352 Travill, Edgar, lIenior, military record corrected_____________ 2018 Travill,,JolI.ephine (widow), penSIon mcreased_ ___ ___ _________ ___ 1751 Travill,. Ma.ry J. (widow), pensIOn mcreased___________________ 2278 Tread~ay, .Margaret (widow), penmon mcreased ________________ - - _ 2247 TreadweU, Ellen (widow), pension____________________________ 1912 Treaaurer of the United Statu, appropriation for, and office person- nel _______________________ 168,1033 for personal services, redemption of Federal reserve and national currency ___________________ 168, 1034 deficiency appropriation for salaries, 1929 ________________________ 1687 Treasury and Post Office .4ppropriation Act, correction in enrollment of, directed___ 2390 Treasury Department Paae. appropriation for Secretary ________ 162,1028 for Undersecretary _____________ 162, 1028 for Assistant Secretaries, and office personneL ________________ 162, 1028 salaries limited to average rate:J under Classification Act_____ 162, 1029 provision, if ody one position in a grade___ ____ _____ __ _______ 163, 1029 allowance in unusually meritorious cases _____________________ 163,1029 restriction not applicable to clerical- mechanical services _________ 163,1029 no reduction in fixed salaries ___ 163, 1029 transfers to another position with- out reduction ______________ 163, 1029 payments under higher rates per- mitted____________________ 163, 1029 for chief clerk_ _ _ _______ _____ __ 163, 1029 to be chief executive officer; may sign official papers, etc ______ 163,1029 for office personneL ____________ 163, 1029 for operating force, Treasury, Liber- ty Loan and Auditors' Build- in~------------- _________ 163, 1029 MadISOn Place Annex, and other buildings___ __ _____________ 163, 1029 forcontingentexpenses _________ 163,1029 operating expenses, Department buildings_____________________ 1029 for freight, etc_________________ 163,1029 for motor vehicles ______________ 163, 1029 for files _______________________ 163, 1029 for heating, lighting, etc., supplies_ 163, 1029 fornllBceUaneoussupplies _______ 163,1029 for labor-saving machines, etc ____ 164, 1029 forcarpets,furniture,etc ________ 1M, 1029 other appropriations available___ __ 1030 for rent in the District_ ________ 164, 1030 foroperatingexpenees, Madison Place Annex______________________ 164 Darby Building_ _ _ _ _ ________ __ _ 164 for Division of Supply__________ 164,1030 for printing and bindingfor ______ 164, 1030 forstationery __________________ 164, )030 TarmstroBot (talk) 03:21, 7 January 2012 (UTC)-S~pplyQ;m;;ittee~== ~~ ~g38 for expenses, transferring surplus supplies, etc _______________ 164, 1030 service continued__ ________ ___ 165, 1030 issue of typewriters, computing machines; repairs, etc _ __ ___ 165, 1030 typewriting machine restrictions, etc_______________________ 165, 1031 for ColIlIIlissioner of Accounta and Deposits, and office person- nel ______________________ 166. 1031 for Bookkeeping and Warrants Di- vision ____________________ 166, 1031 for contingent expenses, public mon- eys_______________________ 166, 1031 for recoinage, gold and minor coinB _____________________ 166, 1031 for Public Debt Service, expenses_ 166, 103~ forradioadvertising ____________ 166, 1032 for distinctive paper, securities, na- tional currency, etc _ _ _ _ ____ 167. 1032 for Appointments Division_ _ _ _ __ 167, 1032 fordisbursingclerk,etc _________ 167,1032 forCustomsService ____________ 167,1032 for Bureau of the Budget ________ 167, 1033 for Federal Farm Loan Bureau __ 167,1033 for Treasurer's Office_ __________ 168, 1033 for Office of Comptroller of the Cur- rency _____________________ 16~ 1034