Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1793

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INDEX. 3447 reteram' Bureau United State.! -Contd. Pa&e. additional hospital, etc.; technical, etc., servicee for, authorized________ 716 amount authorized to be provided_ __ 716 allowance for technical, etc., serv- ices_________________________ 716 suitable buildings, e qui p men t z grounds, etc., may be accepted from States, corporations, in- dividuals, etc_________________ 716 garages for privately owned auto- mobiles to be bun. and main- tained, for personneL _________ 716 reimbursementfor U86___________ 716 sale authorized of I>ortion of hospital reservation at Legion, Tex______ 716 appraisal and sale of hospital reserva- tion in De Kalb County! Oa____ 717 proceeds to be covered wto ihe ~ury_____________________ 717 restriction on buildings, repealed_ ___ 717 amendments to World War Adjusted Compensation Act_ ______ _____ 947 boilers of hospital sold by Muskogee, Okla., may be retained by the city_________________________ 323 buildings at Perry Point, Md., hospital may be disposed oL___________ 1486 proceeds covered into the Treasury &8 miscellaneous receipts_ _ _____ 1486 loans to veterans on adjusted certifi- cates authorized by, from Gov- ernment life insurance fund_ _ _ _ 1561 interest to be charged, etc.; maxi- mum________________________ 1561 duplicate adjusted certificate to be issued if original lost, etc _______ · 1561 pay and allowances to emergency re- tired lists of Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, to be from mili- tary and naval compensation fundof______________________ 735 transfer authlrized of portion of hos- pital reservation, North Little Rock, Ark., to Big Rock Stone and Material COmpany________ 369 Veterans of World War, extensions may be granted ~J of pen- sions granted prior to .Nove:plber 11, 1918, on account of service from April 6, 1917, to July 2, 1921________________________ 1014 Veterinarians, Army, appropriation for pay of retired_ . __ 329,1353 Vibbert, Sarah Frances (widow), pension increaeed___________________ 2196 Viberl,.An!la K. (widow), peD810n mcreaeed___________________ 1913 Vlce Consuls, appropriation for pay of, acting as charg~s d'affaires or in charge of COIJsulates _______________ 65, 1096 Vice Pruident of the United Statu, appropriation for compensation__ __ 573, 1230 for printing ascertainment of electoral vote for President and_________ 71 for secretary, clerks, etc________ 517, 1387 for automobile for ______________ 520,1390 deficiency appropriation for automobile for _______________________ 88~ 1607 may appoint midshipmen to Naval Academy, in number equivalent to a Senator's allowance_______ 788 54835°-29--113 Vice President of the United Statu-Con. Pace. provisions for transmittal of the votes of electors of the President and_ 945 proceedings in CongreBB, for counting electoral votes for President and_________________________ 2395 to serve on CommiBBion for Enlarging CapitoIOrounds______________ 420 Vick, Mary (1.oidoW), pension____________________________ 1765 Vicksburg Bridge and Terminal Company, granted right of way for public utilities, across Vicksburg National Park, Miss________________________ 315 time extended for bridging MiBBiBBippi River, at Vicksburg, Miss., by__ 1446 Vicksburg, Miss., time extended for bridging MiBBiBBippi River, aL____________________ 1446 Vicksburg National Military Park, appropriation for continuing establish- ment oL __________________ 356,1377 balances of appropriations for, covered in___________________________ 365 easement across granted Warren County, MiBB., for public high- way_________________________ 434 Vicksburg Bridge and Terminal Com- pany granted right of way across_______________________ 315 Victory Medal and Clasps, gratuitous issue of, to persons entitled_ 500 Village Delivery, Postal Service, appropriation for ________________ 189,1052 Vincennes, Ind., bridge authorized acrOBB Wabash River, at___________________________ 740 memorial at, commemorating winning of Old Northwest etc. to be constructed__________________ 724 Vincent, Cordie (widow), penmon____________________________ 2247 Viney, Carrie E. (widow), penmon____________________________ 2164 Viney, Laura (widow), pension____________________________ 1819 Viningz Sarah E. (widow), penSIOn increaeed___________________ 2076 Viningz Susan (widow), pensIOn increaeed___________________ 1755 Vinton! ROflG (widow), penSIOn mcreased___________________ 2192 Vinyar.d, 41wilda (widow), pension mcreaeed___________________ 2240 Virdin, James C., pension____________________________ 2322 Virgin Islands, appropriation for expenses, temporary governmentfor ____________ 625,1453· amount for'public works damaged by hurricane_ _ _ ______________ 1453 additional, from internal revenues, etc ______________________ 625,1453 citizenship requirement for holding office in ___________________ 625,1453 for relief, etc., shipwrecked seamen in_________________________ 68,1098 for agricultural experiment stations in ________________________ 542, 1192 sale of products ______________ 542,1192 deficiency appropriation for repairing, etc., hurricane damages to alp"i - cultural experiment stations w_ 1609