Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/245

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SEVENTIE'l'H CONGRESS. $Bs8. I . Cu. 7~0: 1928.


Wt and pay her,a, ~nat ,the;rate ~f $6C per month mlieu of that me is now receiving. . I ' ' . , ~'Tbe.,. name 0{.14.ary E. Taylor, wid6W. of DanfOIrl Taylor, late of MIlr7B.TaJior. pauy D, TweHtb ~nt DJiuois Vohmteer CaTatry and pay !'J*lSion at.the rate of $00 per month in lieu of that.8 is now ~vmg. '." , , ..~ napne of Martha Murrell, widow of Samuel P.:Murrell; late MarthaMurmJ. of C.ompany 1I, FourteeaihRegiment Kentucky Volun~rC&valry, 8Jld .P'rY h~ a ~nsion at thel'ate of $00. per month in lieu of that she lSllOW recelVmg. ".' ,'" " The name· of Ma~ E.:n: .verfieldJ..widow of Henry L. Haverfield, Mil)' E. Haverfteld. late of Company F, Ninety~hth Hegiment Ohio Volunteer Infan- try,and pay her a ~nsion at the rate of too per JIlOIlth in lieu of that she is now reeeni!l,g. Pension . . The name of Lydia WaggoJlel' widow of Jacob Waggoner, late of LydlaWlIIlIoner. CoIppanr E, First Regiment, .;1 Company G, Eighteenth:Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pensiOll at the rate of ~O per month." PtmSlons InCl'llll8ed. The name of Emily B. ReDshaw widow of Jacob L. Renshaw, late Emily B. Renshaw. of Company D One hundred ~ sisty-eighih Regiment Pennsyl- Tania Drafted Militia Infantry, od pay her a pension 'at the rate of $60 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. ' The name of Kate 8e~, widow of Henr,y Sea.rir, late of Com- x .s .nr. pany C, Sixty-seventh Regiinent Pennsylvama Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a peIllion at tJie rate of $60 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. ,. . ,The name of Helen M. Freeman, widow of Dacre R. Freeman, Helen M. ~ late of Company D, Seventh Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infan~ try, and pay her a pension at the rate of $60 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving~ The name of Anna; M. Bircher, widow of Willi&lll Bircher, late Anna M. WnIIIr. of Company K, Seeond Regiment Minnesota. Volunteer Infantry, and 'pay her a ~nsion at the rate of $60 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. The name of Harriet R. Yule, widow,of James Yule, late of Coin- HarrietB. Yall. pany F One hundred and ninety-third RePnent New York Volun- teer Infantry, and pay her a 1?ension at the rate of $60 per month in lieu of that she IS now receiving. The name of Lovicy A. Lee, widow of John C. Leel.l~te of Com. Lo'f 'lq A..lAI. pany F, Ninety-sixth Regiment Illinois Volunteer J.nuntry, and Company A, First Regiment United States Veteran Volunteer Engineers, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now recei vin"B. The name of Rachel Jane (!yater, widow of John S. Oyster, late BacheUaneO:rster. of Company C, Forty-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer InfantrYl and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that She is now receivmg. .' The name of Nanc:y Collett, widow of Wi!~ Collett, late of Com. N..,.O~ pan): B, Forty-seventh Regiment Kentueky Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is Promo. now receiving: Provided, That in the event of the death of Allen In_' to _ on Collett, helpless and de~deni son of said Nancy and Wiley Ccillett, dea&hofdllld. the additional J?8osion herein granted shall cease and determine: And provid«l fW'thtw) That in. the event of the death of Nancy de!~DS~r~~:'Ud on Collett, the name of said Allen Collett shall be placed on the peIlSion rol~.. subject to the provisions and limitations of the~on lawsz at the rate of $20 per month from and after the date of death ot said N aDey Collett. The name of Henrietta a Gordon, widow of Wllliam H. Gordon, HeurIe~H.Oordoa. late of Companies I and C, Eighth Regiment New York Volunteer