Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/35

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. S:I88. I. ClIS. 229, 235-237. 1928. 1711 CHAP. AA9.- An Act Providing for turning over to the Ohio State Arclueo- March 20,1028 . logical and Historical Society two dedication stones formerly a part of one of --,,~[S:-:.;=3292~.!=-<"_ tbe locka of the Ohio and Erie Canal. [PrIvate, No. a&.) Be it tlMCted by the Se'Mte and Howe of Repre8entatitvel of the Obi .Archeo1 Un,ited, Statu of America in OungreB8 asaembled, That the Attorney and Iflstorlcal =:. General is hereby authorized and directed to turn over to the Ohio Two de die a tl 0 n SAhI.IdH' . IS' f .. h stones, once part ot tate rc 100 oglca an Istorlca oClety or preservatIon ill t e ObiO~~rIe CaDaI, museum of said society the two dedication stones formerly a part conv of one of the locks of the Ohio and Erie Canal, and now located on the reservation of the United States Industrial Reformatory at Chillicothe, Ohio. Approved, March 20, 1928. Manlh28,lt28. CHAP. !a36.- An Act For the relief of Fannie M. Hollingsworth. (S.I786 .1 [PrIvate, No. 37.) Be it erwcted by the Senate atnd H O'U8e of R~sentatwu of tM Fannie M H lllngs. United States of America in O~1'688 aBBe11Ibled, That the Secretary worth. • 0 of the Interior is hereby authorIzed and empowered to grant per- fro~ay spTarmstroBot (talk) ~~ mission to Fannie M. Hollingsworth to divert, through a one-wch Glacier National Park, .' f fd' dfi . th for domestic, etc., UlleI!. PiPe, or use or omestlc purposes an re protection on e prop- erty hereinafter describt:d, water from a spring in a westerly direc- tion from the said property approximately four hundred and fifty yards, the said spring being the only one within such distance of the house on the said property, which IS described as follows: Lot 4 of Descr!pUon. section 15 in township 33 north of range 18 west of the Montana. principal meridian, in Flathead County, State of Montana, contain- mg approximately eleven acrest accordwg to the Government survey thereof, subject to such conditions as tlle Secretary of the Interior may prescribe and subject further to the right of said Secretary Subject to Govern- to terminate any permit granted hereunder when, in his judgment, ment needs. the particular water shall be needed by_ the Government m the administration and protection of Glacier National Park. Approved, March 23, 1928. Manlh 23, 11128 . CHAP. 236. - An Act For the relief of John F. White and Mary L. White. (S.I133.) ['PrIvate, No. 38.1 Be it enacted by the StJnIJte and H0'U8e of R6p'I'uentati'IJ68 of the lohn F and Mary United States of America in Oonflr8SS (J,88mtbled, That the Secretary L·c=·· f ~ d of the Interior is hereby authorIzed and directed to ascertain and ages, etc. , t; b! a::: determine the claims of John F. White and Mary L. White, of tained. Riverton, Wyoming, ~or compensation for alleged damages and in~uries to the property and persons of said claimants and their children sustained in an automobile accident on A~st 77 1918, in the Certl1iedtoCOngre6S. Shoshone and Arapahoe Indian Reservation1 Wyommg, and to certify to Congress the amounts so determined, 1f any, as just claims. Approved, March 23, 1928. OHAP. AS7. - An Act For the relief of G. W . Rogers. Be it enacted by the Senate and Howe of Repruentatwu of the United Statu of America in Oongru8 a&aembled, That the Secretary of ihe Treasury is authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise ap~l'O{>riated, to G. W . Rogers, former captain, Quartermaster Corps, U mted States Army, the sum of $400, representing the amount of deductions, during the months of Maroil23,lt28. [S.2365 .) [PrIvate, No. 311 .) O. W .Roaen. Payment to.