Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/54

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1780 SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. L CBS. 448-451. 1928. ~ fral.r - CHAP. 44S.-An Act For the relief of Fred A. Knauf. [Pri., . No. ".J Be it Ml/.JC'tId by eM S6'n4t8 MId HDfJ86 01 Rep1'6ienttJtitJu 01 tM =tk~ 100 UfliUd, statu of .AfMt'ioa in. O0Agf'U8 a"embl6d, That the Post- ooanta. master General be, and: be is hereby, authoriaed and directed to credit. the aooounts of Fred A. Kna.uf; J>!>S1master at Sheboygan, WisooDsin, ill the. sum of $141,433.82 (said sum consisting of $10T eub. fl6,103.62· ~ble postage stamps, . $64,675.00 precanceled staJnps, 'One war-savUlgs stamp of .the .value ,of $5, and war-tax reve- nue funds to the amount of $43), on aCcount of money, war-savings stamp, and postage stamps stolen from safes in tl:te post omce at said CIty when burglarized on October 17,1925, A~'rI,I_ [8.4M .) [Private, No. 117.1 108 W. WIDlamI. Land patent to. Approved, April 27, 1928. CHAP. "49. -An Act For the relief of Joe W. Williams. Be it tJf1lICtetlby tM SMate and H()fJ,8(J of RepreamttiltifJSI IJI tM U'lfliteil Statu of AmM'ica in Otmgre88 auem1Jled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is h~reby, authorized and directed to convey by patent to Joe W. Williams, of Chipley Florida, the west PS1JIWlt requlred. half of the west half of section 19, township 7' north, range 12 west, Houston County, Alabama, upon payment by the said Joe W. Williams to the United States of the sum of $1.25 per acre, at any fZ~ir.ult of pay_ time within ninety da.ys after the enactment of this Act: Provided, menl, rlghta to Japee. That upon default on the pari. of said Williams in making such payment within said period, all rights hereby conferred shall lapse. Approved, April 21, 1928. April 'rI. 11128 . IB.2nI.J OHAP. 4DO.- An Act For the relief of the parents of Wyman Henry [Privata, No. lIS.) Beckstead. . Be it et/OIJted 'by t'M S~ and H0U88 01 Repre8entatives 01 tM ~HenryBect- Unite4 State8 of America in Oongre88 a88~kd, That the Paymaster B~t mont~ nav~ General of the Navy is authorized and directed to pay, out of funds ~ ypay pareD appropriated for the pay of the Navy, to the_parents of Wyman Henry Beckstead, late radio man, &e\:Ond class, United States Navy:, an aIIlount equal to six months' :pay at the rate received by saId ~=dence to be W,Y.M1 .n Henry Beckstead at the tIme of his death: Provided, That eltabJlshed. 88ld parents establish to the satisfaction of the Secretfl:!y of the Navy that they were actually dependent upon the sa,id Wyman Henry Beckstead at the time of his death. Approved, April Z7, 1928. AIlI'fi 'rl, 1928. [8.1SiS.) CHAP. 4151.- An Act For the relief of Frank Dixon. [Prtvate, No. gQ.I Be it enacted by the StIn6te lt1Ul HOUle of Rep!e8~rUtltifJ6' til tM ~~n~" naval United State, of America in Oongre88 a8semhled, That the Secretary rrtult7 pay to lather of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, . out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Frank DIXon, of Dunkirk, Indiana, dependent father of Floyd Dixon, late electrician's mate, third class, United States Navy the Vol. '1 , p.824 . sum of $360, as six months' gratuity pay, which amount would have been paid by Act of Congress approved June 4, 1920, but for the omiSSIon, through ignorance or error.: of his son to designate a proper beneficiary before he wa~ killed in we performance of service duty: