Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/669

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SE88. II . CHs.468-471. 1929. payments of pension under claim :.lumbered 10-1617817 as if such claim had been allowed. Approved, March 1, 1929. CHAP. 469.- An Act For the relief of James L. McCulloch. 2345 Whereas on the 19th day of June, 1849, the De{>artment of the Inte- rior issued to John Barman, late a private m Captain Andrew's ~~=tie~cCullocb. company, Tenth Regiment United States Infantry, a certain land warrant numbered sIxty-one thousand seven hundred and fifty-six for one hundred and sixty acres as a bounty; and Whereas the said John Barman on the 5th day of April, 1849, duly executed and delivered to one John Cole a power of attorney to locate or dispose of any lands accruing or rights arising under and by virtue of said land warrant when issued; and Whereas by mesne assignments James L. McCulloch became and is the holder of said land warrant numbered sixty-one thousand seven hundred and fifty-six, and the owner thereof; and Whereas objection is made to the location of said warrant because said power of attorney antedates the date of said warrant, and is obnoxio~s to the provIsions of section 9 of the Act of February 11, 1847 (Nmth Statutes, page 123); and Whereas neither the said John Barman nor any of his heirs can now be found, after diligent inquiry: Therefore Be it enacted by the SeruLte and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Oongres8 as8embled, That the Commis- AIIS!~eDtsali'~~d sioner of the General Land Office is hereby authorized and directed WBn'8D Y. v • to recognize as valid the assignments of military bounty land war- rant numbered 61756 for one hundred and sixty acres, issued June 19, 1849, under the Act of February 11, 1847 (Ninth Statutes, page Vol. 9 . p. 123. 123), to John Barman, notwithstanding the provisions of section 9 of said Act. Approved, March 1, 1929. March 1. 1929. CRAP. 470. - An Act Authorizing the purchase of certain lands by John P. -- --" = [,,,,8:.,-: '4234~•.. ... ,)r= - ;- Whiddon. [Private. No. {58.) Be it enacted by the Senate and H&use of Representative8 of the United State8 of America in Oon[J1'es8 assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to issue t.o John P. Whiddon, of Inverness, Florida, patent for lots 7 and 8, section 8, and lots 4 and 5, section 9, township 19 south, range 20 east, Tallahassee meridian, Florida, upon payment for the same at the rate of $1.25 per acre. Approved, March 1, 1929. lohD P. Whiddon. Land patent to. March I, 1929. CRAP. 471. - An Act For the relief of certain seamen aad any and ail persons -..~[~8.,-=229~1.-,-;)=> _ entitled to-receive a part or ail of money now held by the Government of the [Private. No. {59.) United States on a purchase contract of steamship Orion who are judgment creditors of the Black Star Line (Incorporated) for wages earned. Be it enacted by the SeruUe and House of Representatives of the United States of America Vn Oongress as8emhled That jurisdiction oo=t!r Line (In. be, and hereby is, conferred upon the Court of Claims, notwith- ~1aIms of l~dgment standin~ any lapse of time or statute of limitation, and without the f~orsto ~ r::r permiSSIOn on the part of the Government or its representatives, to CIai.IIa.