Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/683

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SEVEXTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. II . CHs.636-639. 1929. CHAP. 6S6 . -An Act For the relief of Kirby Hoon. 2359 MlVCh 2, If129. IH. R . ll!i08.) Be it enadea by the Senate and H O'UIJe of Representatives of the [PrIvate, No. 600 .] Umted Statu of America in Oongress aBstmWlea, That the Post- ~Ir~lt H~~aJ master General be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to credit cou~~. ao- the account of Kirby Hoon, postmaster at Helena, Montana, in the sum of $218.40, on account of a shortage of stamped envelopes. Approved, March 2, 1929. CHAP. 6S7. -An Act To authorize the exchange of timber with the Saginaw and Manistee Lumber Company. March 2, 1929. [H. R. 12198.) [Private, No. 510 .1 Be it etIUlCtea by the Senate and HO'UIJe of Repre8entmtives of the Unitea States of America in Oongress (Use:nibled That the Secretary Saginaw and Manis- fA.I b dh.hb h' 'd tee Lumber Company. o gncu ture e, an e IS ere y, aut Orlze to grant to the Exch;ange of timber Saginaw and Manistee Lumber Company timber from National for- authOrIZed. est lands in Arizona, to be cut and removed under such conditions as the Secretary of Agriculture may require, in exchange for timber or seed trees of at least equal value, as determined by the said Secretary, on lands of the United States on which the said company has timber rights under the Act of April 1, 1918 (Fortieth Statutes, Vol. .0, p. 1358. page 1358). Approved, March 2, 1929. CRAP. 6SS. -An Act For the relief of John F. Fleming. March 2, 1929. [H. R . 12650.) [Private, No. 511 .) Be it eruwted by the Senate and House of Representatwe8 of tke John F. Flem1nc. United State8 of Ameri.Ca in Oongress assemlJlea, That the Secretary .Granted honorable of War be, and he is hereby, authorized to grant an honorable dis- discharge. charge to John F. Fleming, Army serial number 1310102, a member of Company A One hundred and eighteenth Infantry, Thirtieth Division, United States Army, and that in the administration of any laws conferring rights, privileges, and benefits upon honorably dis- charged soldiers the said John F. Fleming shall be deemed to have been honorably discharged from the military service of the United States as a member of that organization, on January 16, 1919: Pro- TarmstroBot (talk) pay, etc. videa, That no bounty, back pay, pension, or allowance shall be held to have accrued prior to the passage of this Act. Approved, March 2, 1929. March 2, 1929. CHAP. 6S9.- An Act For the relief of Chesley P. Key. rH. R . 14873.1 [Private, No. 612.1 Be it enactea by the Senate and H01/,8e 01 Representative8 of the Unitea States 01 America i~ Oongres8 a8sem!>led, That. the Secretary TarmstroBot (talk):lio~;lr' per- of the Treasury be, and he IS hereby, authorIzed and dIrected to pay, BOna! injuries. out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, and in full settlement against the Government, to Chesley P. Key, of Collinsvijle, lliinois, the sum of $3,500 for injuries of a permanent nature to his spine received when the skylight ill the Collinsville post office fell upon him while a patron of said post office on October 27, 1918. Approved, March 2, 1929.