Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/734

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Articulo 2 TRaNSITO LIBRE Y GRATUITO m!ts~toua traDalt of Los pafses contratant(lS se com- prometen a transportar libre y gratuitamente, por medio de los Pm, pp. 2412 , 2421. servicios de transportes terrestres y ma.ritimos que utilicen para su propia correspondencia, 1& que reciban de cualquiera de estos pafses con destino a alguno de ellos 0 de la Uni6n Postal Univer- sal. . Charg88through S' b I. d t countries not IIdherlni. m em argo, serun e cuen a Dasls of tarIfta. del pats de origen los gastos de transporte terrestre 0 marttimo de la correspondencia, cuando ~ta requiera para su curso sub- siguiente, la mediaci6n de p~es o servicios extrafl.os a los adheri- dos al presente Convenio y ese tranSporte sea oneroso. Articulo 3 TARIFAS La twa del servicio interior de cada pats, regirA. en las rela- ciones de los pafses ~e consti- tuyen 1& Uni6n Postal Panameri- cana, excepto cuando dicha twa interna. sea superior & la que se aplique a la correspondencia des- tmada a los paises de III. Uni6n Postal Universal, en cuyo caso regirA. esta ultima. Articulo 4 R:mGIMEN Y CONVENIOS ESPECIALES Scope of provlslona. 1. Las disposiciones de esta Convenci6n se aplicarb a las cartas tarjetas postales, impresos de todas clases, papeles de nego- cios y muestras. uo~~;f:S~ contls' 2. Los pafses. contratantes, ya sea por su vecmdad, ya por su situaci6n limftrofe 0 por III. inten- sidad de sus relaciones postales, podran establecer entre sf uniones m~s estrechas sobre cualegquiera Article 2 FREE AND GRATUITOUS TRANSIT The contracting countries are bound to transport freely and gratutiously, by means of the territorial and maritime. trans- portation services which they utilize for their own correspond- ence, that which they may receive from any of these countries des- tined for any of them or for any country of the Universal Post81 Union. However, the country of origin will be charged with the expenses of territorial or maritime trans- portation of the correspondence, when it requires, for lts subse- quent transmission, the inter- mediary of countries or services other than those adhering to the present Convention, and when such transportation is subject to charges. Article 3 TARIFFS The tariff of the domestio service of each country will gov- ern in the relations of the coun- tries which constitute the Pan- American Postal Union, except when the said domestic ta.ri1f is higher than that applicable to correspondence destined for the countries of the Universal Postal Union, in which case the latter will govern. Article 4 SCOPE OF THE, CONVEN- TION, AND - . SPECIAL SERVICES 1. The provisions cf this Con- vention will be applied to letters, post cards prints of all kinds, commerci~ papers and samples. 2. The contractin~ countries, either by reason of their proximity or adjacency or by reason of the intensity of their postal relations, may establish among themselves more restricted unions in connec-