Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/766

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2442 May21,lW. July 29, 1927. PARCEL POST CONVENTION-MACAO. May 21, 1027, lulJ :N. 1m. Parcel post conventioo between Port'l.l{l'Ue8t Oolony of Macao and tM United States. Signed at Macao, May £1, 19~, and at Washington, July 29,1927; apprOfJed by the President, August 3, 1927. ' PARCEL POST CONVENTION between THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE PORTU- GUESE COLONY OF MACAO. tio~a~\l \:.~nven. For the purpose of concluding arrangements for the exchange of l'rearuble. parcel-post packages between the United States of America (includ- mg Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico, Guam, Samoa, and the Virgin Islands of the United States) and the Portuguese Colony of Macao, the undersigned W. Irving Glover Acting Postmaster General of the United States of America,4and Sebastiao C. de Jesus, Acting Postmaster General of Macao, by virtue of authority vested in them, have, subject to ratification by the respective Governments, agreed upon the following articles: Limitations. I. Limits of Weight and Size. Wright and size. 1. No parcel sha.ll exceed twenty-two pounds (ten kilograms) in weight, three feet six inches (one hundred and five centimeters) in le~th, or six feet (one hundred and eighty centimeters) in length and grrth combined. Calculation of de- 2A dth talulti· fth . ht ddim . spatching o!llcc accept- • Sregars .eexacc c aon? e weIg an enSlons ed, of parcels, the View of the despatching office sha.ll be accepted, save in cases of obvious error. Po.- tage and fcrs, Collected from scnd· er. Prepayment. Preparation of par· I:<'ls . .~ddr=ing llll'nts. II. Postage and Fees. 1. The Administration of origin is entitled to collect from the sender of each parcel such postages and fees for requests for informa- tion as to the disposal of a parcel ruade after it has been posted, and also, in the case of registered and insured parcels, such registra- tion and insurance fees and fees for return receipts, as may from time to time be prescribed by its regulations. 2. Except in the case of returned or redirected parcels, the postage and such of the fees mentioned in the preceding section as are applicable, must be prepaid. III. Preparation of Pa.rcels. 1. The name and address of the sender and of the addressee must be legibly and correctly written in every case when possible on the parcel itself or on a label gummed thereto, and, in 'the case of parcels addressed by tag only because of their shape or size, must also bA written on a separate slip which slip must be enclosed in the parcel, but such address slips should be enclosed in a.ll parcels. Pa.rcels will not be accepted when sent by or addressed to initials, unless the initials are the adopted trade name of the senders or addressees. Addresses in ordinary pencil are not a.llowed, but copying ink or indelible pencil on a surface previously dampened may be used.