Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/884

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2560 Proaedure• .4""' pp. 25M, 2&59. INTERNA.TIONAL SANITARY CONVENTION. JUNE 21,1926. It rests with each Government, takin~ into account the information furnished under the provisions of SectIon I, Chapter I, and of Arti- cle 14 of this Oonvention, as well as the obligations placed upon it by Section II, Chapter I, to determine what procedure is applicable in it-s own ports to arrivals from any foreign port, and in particular to decide whether, from the point of view of the procedure to be ap- plied, aparticular foreign port should be considered as infected. The measures as provided in this Chapter must be regarded as constituting a maximum within the limits of which Governments may regulate the procedure to be applied to ships on their arrival. SmOTIoN I. - Notijicati,on oj mea8".. trtlS prtscribed. COD;lmunlcatlon of Every Government is bound to communicate immediately to the prescnbed measures. Diplomatio Mission or, failing that, to the Consul of the infected country, residing in its capita[, as well as to the International Office of Pub1ic Hygiene which shall immediately make them known to the other Governments, the measures which it considers necessarY to pre- scribe with regard to IUTivals from that country. -Such information will in like manner be held at the disposition of other diplomatio or consular representatives established m its territory. Merchandise and baggage. Entry, etc. It also is bound to communicate, throu~h the same channels, the withdrawal of these measures or any modifications thereof. In the absence of, a Diplomatic Mission or a Consulate in the capital, the communications shall be made direct to the Government of the country concerned. . SECTION II. -Mmlhandise and baggage-Importation and transit. ARTICLE 17. Subject to the provisions of the last paragraph of Article 50, the entry of merchandise and b~age arriving by land or by sea for import or for transit may not be prohibited nor may merchandise or baggage be detained at land frontiers or in ports. The only ~escrlPtiVe mess· measures which may be prescribed with regard to such merchandise and baggage. are specified in the following paragraphs: In CBI!e of plague. (a) In the case of plague, body linen, wearing apparel and bedding Cholera. TyphUo!. Smallpox. Methods ~tion,etc. which have been in recent use may be subjected to disinsectisation, and if necessary, to disinfection. Merchandise co~ from an infected local area and likely to harbor plague-infected rats may be unloaded only on condition that the precautions necessary to prevent the escape of rats and to ensure their destruction are taken as far as practicable. (b) In the case of cholera, body linen Vlearing apparel and bed- ding which have been in recent use may be subjected to disinfect.ion. In derogation of the provisions of this Article, the importation of fresh fish, shellfish and vegetabJes may be prohibited unless they have undergone a treatment calculated to destroy cholera vibrios. (c) In the case of exanthematous typhus, body linen, wearing apparel and bedding which have been in recent use, as well as rags not carried as merchs.ndise in large quantities, may be subjected to disinsectisation. (d) In the case of smallpox, body linen, wearing apparel and bed- ding which have been in recent use, as well as rags not carried as merchandise in Jarge quantities, may be subjected to disinfection. ARTICLE 18. of dlsln· It rests with the authority of the country to which the merchandise and things are consigned to decide in what m8JlILer and at what place