Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/901

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INTERNATIONAL SANITARY CONVENTION. JUNE 21,1926. ARTICLE 84. When troops are conveyed through the canal on suspicious or infected vessels passing through in quarantine. the trip shaH be made in the daytime only. If it is necessary to stop at night in the canal, the vessels shall anchor in Lake Timsah or the Gre'at Lake. ARTICLE 85. 2577 Conveymceof t1'oope. V~ls passing thr?dUgh in quarantine are forbidden 1:? sto)? in In~~ITarmstroBot (talk)nH~~:~p the harbor of Port SRI except ill the cases contemplated III artlcles 82 and 86. The su)?ply and preparation of food on board vessels shall be effected With the means at hand on the vessels. Stevedores or any other persons who max have gone on board shall be isolated on the quarantine barge. They shall undergo the regulation measures. ARTICLE 86. When it is absolutely necessary for vessels passing through in IItTarmstroBot (talk)!n~i~;~!C~=, quarantine to take on coal or oil at Suez or Port Said, they shall perform this opel'at~.on under the necessary guarantee for isolation and sanitary surveillance that may be ordered by the Sanitary, Maritime and Quarantine Board of Egypt. When it is possible to maintain a strict supervision of coaling on board the vessel and to prevent all contact with the persons on board, the coalin~ of the vessel by the workmen of the port may be permitted. At rught the place where the c3aling is done should be efficiently illuminated by electric lights. ARTICLE 87. The pilots." electricians, agents of the Company, and sanitary shrpu~~t8I:I~'p~~tJTarmstroBot (talk) guards must leave the vessel at Port Said outside of the port between Harbor. the jetties, and thence conducted directly to the quarantine barge where they shall undergo the measures that may be deemed necessary. ARTICLE 88. The war ves~ls hereinafter specified shall enjoy the benefits of the wTarmstroBot (talk) 00:54, 7 January 2012 (UTC)OVlslonsror following proVlSlons when p&8Slng through the Suez Canal: They shall be recognized by the quarantine authority as uninfected upon the production of a certificate issued by the$!TarmstroBot (talk)ans on board, countersigned by the commanding officer, and . under oath or solemn declaration: (a) That there has not been any case of plague or cholera on board either at the time of departure or during the passage; (b) That a careful examination of all persons on board, without any exception, has been made less than twelve hours before the arrival in the Egyptian port, and that it revealed no case of these diseases. These vessels shall be exempted from the medical examination and immediately receive pratique. The quarantine authorities shall nevertheless have a right to cause their agents to perform the medical examination on board war vessels whenever they deem it necess&rV. Suspicious or infected war vesst Is shall be subjected to the regu- lations in force .. Only fightin~ units shall be co'" udered as war vessels, transports Pil.~an:I:J'~ ~o~ h::: and hospital ships falling under t~w category of ordinary vessels. eluded.