Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/910

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2586 . Ante, p. 2563 . Inspection, etc. , at 1E<ldah. . Ant., p. 2571. Personnel, etc. , at sanitary stations. INTERNATIONAL SANITARY CONVENTION. JUNE 21,1926. The passengers shall remain in the Camaran establishment five or six days according as whether the case is plague or cholera. If a new case should o(,,cur after disembarkation, the 1?eriod of observa- tion shall be extended by five days for cholera and SIX days for plague, to date from the isolation of the last case . For plague, the measures prescribed by Article 25 shall be applied with regard to the rats which may be found on board the vessels. When these op'erations have been completed, the ship, having reembarked its pilgrims, shall be sent on to Jeddah. ARTICLE 131. Ships, to which Articles 128, 129 and 139 apply, will be subject to medical inspection on board on arrival at Jeddah. If the result is favorable, the ship shall receive free pratique. If, on the other hand, well established cases of plague or cholera have occurred on board during the voy~e, or at the time of arrival at Jeddah, the sanitary authority of the Hedjaz may take all neces- sary measures subject to the provisions of Article 54. ARTICLE 132. Every sanitary station designed to receive pilgrims should be pro- vided with a trained, experienced, and sufficiently numerous staff, as well as with all the buildings and apparatus necessary to insure the application, in their entirety, of the measures to which said pil- grims are subject. From the nortb for B SANITARY MEASURES APPLICABLE TO PILGRIM SHIPS HAILING Hedjaz. • FROM NORTH OF PORT SAID AND BOUND TOWARD HEDJAZ. ARTICLE 133. olJeTarmstroBot (talk)t:.t port If pla~e or cholera is not found to ~xist in the port of departure or its nelghborhood, and if no case of plague or cholera has occurred during the passage, the vessel shall be lmmediately granted pratique. Measures at Tor If disease present. Return of pilgrims. Sblps returning nortb- ward. Stoppage at Tor for observation, etc. P03t, p. 2587 . ARTICLE 134. If plague or cholera is known to exist in the port of departure or its vicinity, or if a case of plague or cholera has occurred during the voyage, the vessel shall be subjected at Tor to the rules estab- lished for vessels coming from the south and stopping at Camaran. The vessels shall thereupon be granted pr!l.tique. SECTION V.- Measures to be taken upon the return of pugrims. A. PILGRIM SHIPS RETURNING NORTHWARD. ARTICLE 135. Every vessel bound for Suez or for a Mediterranean Eort, having on board pilgrims or similar masses of persons, and hailing from a port of Hedjaz or from any other port on the Arabian coast of the Red Sea, must repair to Tor in order to undergo there the obser- vation and the sanitary measures indicated in Articles 140 to 142. ARTICLE 136. Pilgrims A.bba. going to Pending the creation at the port of Akaba of a quarantine station meeting the requirements, pilgrims going from the Hedjaz to Akaba