Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/924

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2600 INTERNATIONAL SANITARY CONVENTION. JUNE 21,1926. Rept'al of previous ART. 27. All hrevious decrees and regulations are repealed as far decrees, etc. f . . . as contrary to t e oregomg proVlSlons. cr!~foroement of de· ART. 28. Our Minister of the I~terior is intrusted with the enforce- ment of the present decree, which shall not be enforceable until November 1, 1893. Kbedival decree of December 25, 18114. Declaration. Done in the Palace of Ramleh, June 19, 1893. ABBAS HILMI. By the Khedive: Ruz, Head of the Oabinet, Minister of the Interior. Khediool decree of December 25,1894- . We, Khedive of EEYJ)t, on the recommendation of Our Minister of Finance, with the advice and consent of our Cabinet, with the con- sent of the Commissioner-Directors of the Public Debt Fund as re- gards article 7, and with the consent of the Powers, decree: fr~3gTarmstroBot (talk)o~'aC:::~ ART. 1 . Beginning with the fiscal year 1894, there shall be deducted annually from the present receipts of lighthouses dues the sum of 40,000 pounds Egyptian, which shall be employed as explained in the followlllg articles. Use for sanitary ex· ART. 2 . The sum deducted in 1894 shall be used: 1st To cover any penses. deficit during the fiscal year 1894 of the Quarantine Board, in case it has been impossible to entirely cover such deficit with the resources derived from the reserve fund of said Board, as will be stated in the following article; 2d to meet the extraordinary expenses necessit~ted by the fitting up of the sanitary establishmenta of Tor, Suez, and Moses Spring. U 118 of reserve fund. ART. 3. The present reserve fund of the Quarantine Board will be used to cover the deficit of the fiscal year 1894, and it shall not be reduced to an amount less than 10,000 pounds Egyptian. If the deficit should not be fully covered, the remainder shall be met with the resources created in article 1. re!:~u~! subeequent ART. 4 . From the sum of 80,000 pounds Egyptian derived from the fiscal years 1895 and 1896 there shall be deducted: 1st An amount equal to that which has been paid out in 1894 from the same receipts, to be applied to the deficit of said year 1894, so as to bring up to 40,000 pounds Egyptian the sums allotted to the extraordinary works provided for in article 1 for Tor, Suez, and Moses Spring; 2d the sums necessary in order to cover the deficit of the budget of the Quarantine Board for the fiscal years 1895 and 1896. After the aforementioned deduction has been made, t,he surplus shall be devoted to the construction of new lighthouses in the Red Sea. h:= amounts ART. 5. Be~g with the fiscal year 1897, this annual sum of 40,000 Egyptian pounds shall be used to cover possible deficits of the Quarantine Board. The amount necessary for this purpose shall be conclusively determined by ta:'rin.g as a basis the financial results of the fiscal years 1894 and 1895 of the Board. The surplus shall be devoted to a reduction in the lighthouse dues, it being understood that these dues shall be reduced in the same pro- portion in the Red Sea and the Mediterranean. Effect of deductions ART. 6 . In consideration of the aforementioned deductiolls and and allotments. all hG hall be" .h blid otments t e overnment s , gmnmg Wlt 1894, e re eve of any obligation in re!tard to the expenses, ordinary or extraordi- nary of the Quarantine Board. It is understood, however, tha.t the expenses borne hitherto by the Egyptian Government shall continue to be borne by ~t. . SettIementwlth Pub· ART 7 Begmrun' . g with the fiscal~ear 1894 uton the settlement he Debt Fund • • , . of account of the excesses with the ublic Debt und, the share of