Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1030

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II . Cn. 848. 1930 .

987 as to price based on assessed value and that the purchase price to be paid for any site out of the remainder of the appropriation shall not exceed the full value assessment of such property last made before purchase thereof plus 25 per centum of such assessed value : Pro- side No the istrict acquisitions s out- purchase further, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended for the acquisition of land outside of the District of Columbia . Connecting parkway . The unexpended balance of the appropriation contained 'in the Balance available . " Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1920," for continuing the acqui- Vol .45, p . 1296. sition of lands for a connecting parkway between Potomac Park, Zoological Park, and Rock Creek Park shall remain available until June 30, 1931 . National Zoological NAT ION AL ZOO LOG ICA L P ARK

Park . For roads, walks, bridges, water supply, sewerage, and drainage

grading, planting, and otherwise improving the grounds, erecting a nd re pai ri ng bui ld ing s and i ncl os ure s ; care, subsistence, purchase, and transportation of animals ; necessary employees ; traveling and incidental expenses not otherwise provided for, including maintenance and operation of one motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle required for official purposes, and the purchase and exchange of one motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle required for official pur- poses at a cost not to exceed $1,000 ; not exceeding $2,500 for pur- chasing and supplying uniforms to park police, keepers, and assistant keepers ; not exceeding $100 for the purchase of necessary books and periodicals, $220,000, no part of which sum shall be available for architect's fees or compensation . For an additional amount for the completion of the construction of a public exhibition building for reptiles, amphibians, insects, and miscellaneous invertebrates, $28,000 . The unexpended balance of the appropriation of $30,000 contained in the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1928, for the construction and equipment of exhibition cages and walks around the exterior of the public exhibition building for birds is hereby made immedi- ately available for necessary grading, and construction of outdoor cages with fittings and accessories, adjacent to the public exhibition building for birds, said work to be done by day labor or contract in whole or in part in the discretion of the Secretary of the Smith- sonian Institution . WA TER SER VICE The foll owing sums are appr opria ted wholl y out of the r evenu es of the water department for expenses of the Washington Aqueduct and its appurtenances and for expenses of water department, namely : Expenses . Exhibition buildings . Balance available . Vol.45,p. 893. water service . Fromwaterrevenues . Ante, p. 821. WASHINGTON AQUEDUCT

duct . Washington Aqua- WASHINGT ON etc., o4 For operation, including salaries of all necessary employees . and accessories . maintenance and repair of Washington Aqueducts and their access ories, including Dalecarlia, G eorgetown, McMillan Park, First, Second, and Third High Service Reservoirs, Washington Aqueduct tunnel, the filtration plants, the pumping plants and the plant for the preliminary treatment of the water supply, ordinary repairs, grading, opening ditches, and other maintenance of Conduit R oad, purch ase, inst allat ion, and maint enan ce of wate r me ters on Federal services, purchase, care, repair, and operation of vehicles, including the purchase and exchange of one passenger-carrying motor vehicle at a cost not to exceed $1,200 ; purchase and repair