Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1076

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III. CHs. 21-23 . 1930 . or in assisting in obtaining such advance, loan, or sale, under this resolution, shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not exceeding $1,000 or by imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both . Approved, December 20, 1930 . CHAP . 22 .-An Act Making an additional appropriation to carry out the p r o v i s i o n s of the Agricultural Marketing Act, approved June 15, 1929 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That to provide an additiona l amount f or carrying into effe ct the pro visions of the Agricultural Marketing Act, approved June 15, 1929 (46 Stat . 11 -19), i ncludi ng all necessa ry expe nditure s autho rized t herein, there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $150,000,000, which amount shall become a part of the revolving fund to be administered by the Federal Farm Board as provided in such Act . Approved, December 22, 1930 . 1033 December 22, 1930 . [H.R.15359.] [Public, No . 551 .] Agricultural Market- ing Act. Add iti ona l appro- pr iat ion for ex pen di- tures under . Ante, p p .14,17. To become part of revolving fund. Dece mber 2 3, 19 30. [S . 2895.] CHAP . 23.-An Act Authorizing the bands or tribes of Indians known and designated as the Middle Oregon or Warm Springs Tribe of Indians of Oregon, [P ublic, No .5521 - or either of them, to submit their claims to the Court of Claims . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That jurisdiction is hereby co nferred on the Court of Claims, with the right of a ppeal by either party to the Supreme Court of the United States, not- withstanding the lapse of time or statutes of limitation and not- withstanding the provisions of the Act of June 6, 1894 (Twenty- eighth Statutes, page 86), to hear, determine, and adjudicate, and to render final judgment on all legal and equitable claims of what- soever nature of the Warm Springs Tribe of Indians, or any band th ereof, agains t the U nited S tates, arising under or grow ing out of the original Indian title, claim, or rights of the said tribe of Indians, or any band thereof, in connection with the Warm Springs Indian Reservation in the State of Oregon, including all claims, title, or rights growing out of or incident to the treaties of June 25, 1855, 26`p .3 . 12, 55. ratified by the Senate on March 8, 1559, and proclaimed by the President April 18, 1859 (Twelfth Statutes, page 963), and of November 15, 1865, ratified by the Senate on March 2, 1867, and proclaimed by the President March 23, 186 7 (Fourteenth Statutes, page 751), or either of them, relating to the Warm Springs Indian Reservation in Oregon; and all claims of whatsoever nature grow- ing out of the erroneous payment of any sum or sums of money due under the treaties of June 25, 1855 (Twe lfth St atutes, page 963), and November 15, 1 865 (Fourteenth Statutes, page 751), or to any misapplication or misappropriation of any such funds or moneys to purposes not contemplated by the said treaties . SEC . 2 . Any and all claims against the United States within the purview of this Act shall be forever barred unless suit or suits be instituted or petition, subject to amendment, be filed with the Court of Claims within five years of the date of this Act; and in any such suit or suits the Warm Springs Tribe of Indians of Oregon, or any band t hereof, shall be part y or pa rties p laintif f and t he Unit ed States shall be the party defendant . The petition of the said Indians s hall be ve rified by the attorn ey or atto rneys empl oyed to pr osecute such claim or claims, under contract with the Indians, approved in accordanc e with exi sting law, upon infor mation and belief as to the facts therein alleged and no other verification shall be necessary . Warm Springs In- dians of Oregon . Claims of, to be ad- judicated in Court of Claims . Vol.28,p.86. Vol. 14, p. 751. Tim e for filing peti - tion . Parties to suit . Verification . p. 963
