Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1108

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1065 fiscal years, to provide urgent supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1931, and for other purposes, namely LEGISLATIVE SENATE To pay to Mary M. Overman, widow of Honorable Lee S . Over- Pay to Overman, man, late a Senator from the State of North Carolina, $10,000 .

Frank L. oreene. To pay to Jessie R . Greene, widow of Honorable Frank L . Greene, pay to widow. late a Senator from the State of Vermont, $10,000 . That Public Resolution Numbered 87, approved February 10, Senators. , p. 1225, 1923 (42 Stat . 1225), is amended to read as follows : That salaries amended. of salaries, of Senators appointed to fill vacancies in the Senate shall commence filling vacancies . on the day of their appointment and continue until their successors By a ppoint ment . are elected and qualified ; and salaries of Senators elected to fill such By election. vacancies sh all commence on the day th ey qualify : Pr ovid ed, T h a t 70no ° appointment when no appointments have been made the salaries of Senators made . elected to fill such vacancies shall commence on the day following their election : Provided further, That when Senators have been By special election, etc., to succeed ap- elected during a sine die adjournment of the Senate, at a time other pointees. than a general election, to succeed appointees, the salaries of Sena- tors so elected shall commence on the day following their election, and the salaries of such appointees shall cease on that date . For pa yme nt to He nry M . Barry, for clerical services rendered HInry yM . Barry. the Joint Commission on Airports and the Joint Commission on Insular Reor ganization ; fi sc al y ea r 19 31, $1,0 00 . For expenses of inquiries and investigations ordered by the Senate, gatioas iriesandinvesti " including compensation to stenographers of committees at such rate as may be fixed by the Committee to Audit and Control the Contin- gent Expenses of the Senate, but not exceeding 25 cents per hundred words, fiscal year 1931, $100,000 . T he une xpende d bala nce o f the approp riati on for expen ses of at Balance reappropri- inqu irie s an d in vest igat ions ord ered by the Sena te, cont inge nt f und Ante, p. 207. of the Senate, for the fiscal year 1930, is reappropriated and made available for the fiscal year 1931. Fo r serv ices in cleani ng, re pairing , and v arnish ing fur niture, fisca l Fur nit ure . year 1931, $2,000 .

Senate kitchens and For repairs, improvements, equipment, and supplies for Senate restaurants. kitchens and restaurants, Capitol Building and Senate Office Build- ing, including personal and other services, to be expended from the contingent fun d of the Sena te, under sup ervision of th e Committee on Rules, fiscal year 1931, $12,000. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Legislative . Senat e. House of Representa . tives. For payment to the sister and daughter of Charles F . Curry, Charles toes F. t 'rT Ana late a Representative from the State of California, in the propor- daughter. tions of one-half to each, $10,000 . For payment to the widow of William C . Hammer, late a Repre- Plta a Hammer . sentative from the State of North Carolina, $10,000 . For payment to the widow of Edgar R . Kiess, late a Representa- Edgar R . Kiess . tive from the State of Pennsylvania, $10,000 .

Pay to widow . For payment to the widow of Florian Lampert, late a Repre- F F ayianw Lampert. sentative from the State of Wisconsin, $10,000 . For payment to the widow of David J . O'Connell, late a Repre- David wia Connell. sentative from the State of New York, $10,000 . For payment to the daughter of Stephen G . Porter, late a Repre- Stephen G . Porter. sentative from the State of Pennsylvania, $10,000 .