Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1129

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SESS. III . CH. 117 . 1931 . thereo f, dur ing an y thr ee-mon th per iod in comp arison with the corresponding three-month period of three previous calendar years . Da ta furnished by (b) The board may also take into consideration the index of Department cfemnlL ymeni . employment prepared by the Department of Labor, and any other information concerning employment furnished the Department of Labor or by any other public or private agency, and any other facts which it may consider pertinent . Pub lic wo rks em er-

PUBLIC WORK S EMERGENCY APPR OPR IAT ION gency appropriation . President to atioss mit recommendations SE C. 5. Whenever, upon recommendation of the board, the Presi- of board to Congress dent finds that there exists, or that within the six months next fol- for, whenever business depression exists . lowing there i s likel y to e xist, i n the U nited States or any substa ntial portion thereof, a period of business depression and unemployment, he is requested to transmit to the Congress by special message, at such time and from time to time thereafter, such supplemental esti- To be exp ended on mates as he deems advisable for emergency appropriations, to be authorized construe- expended durin g such period upon authoriz ed constructi on in order tion, etc .

to aid in preventing unemployment and permit the Government to avail itself of the opportunity for speedy, efficient, and economical toBudget . s t °°°nf°rm construction during any such period . Except as provided in this Act, such supplemental estimates shall conform to the provisions of the Budget and Accounting Act, 1921 . WORKS ON WHICH APPROPRIATION USED Uses specified .

SEC . 6 . Such emergency appropriations are authorized and shall be expended only- Ante , pFederal . 1031.

(a) For carrying out the provisions of the Federal Highway Act, . as now or hereafter amended and supplemented ; River and harbor im- (b) For the preservation and maintenance of existing river and provements . harbor works , and for the prosecution of such projec ts heretofore and hereafte r authorized as may be mos t desirable in the interest of commerce and navigation ; Flood control .

(c) For prosecuting flood-control projects heretofore or hereafter Ante, pp . 1032, 1039 . authorized ; and Public building pro - set s .

(d) For carrying into effect the provisions of the Public Build- Vol. 45, p. 919 .

ings Act, approved May 25, 1926, as now or hereafter amended and Ante, p . 1030.

supplemented, in respect of public buildings within and without the District of Columbia . Other

authorized construction . (e) For prosecuting such other construction as may now or hereafter be authorized by the Congress, and which is or may be included in the six-year advance plans, as hereinafter provided . Emergency construc- tion. Acceleration stimu- lated to prevent unem- ployment, etc . Advance planning . ACCE LER ATI ON OF EMER GEN CY CON STR UCTI ON SEC . 7 . For the purpose of aiding in the prevention of unemploy- ment during periods of business depression and of permitting the Government to avail itself of opportunity for speedy, efficient, and econo mical constr uctio n duri ng suc h peri ods t he Pre sident may direct the construction agencies to accelerate during such periods, to such extent as is deemed practicable, the prosecution of all authorized -construction within their control . ADV AN CE PLANNING Purposes of, declared . SEC. S . (a) It is hereby declared to be the policy of Congress to For stabilizing indus- tryandemployment . arrange the construction of public wor ks so far as p racticable in such manner as will assist in the stabilization of industry and employment through the proper timing of such construction, and that