Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/115

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cg.56. 1930 . Edition of all essen- tial writings, etc ., of G eorge Washi ngton to be prepared by . Vol.43,p.671. Volum es to be printed, etc . For sale . Distribution, to des- ignated officials, etc . No "usual number ." Sum authorized for p repara tion, etc . Post, p . 94. Further authoriza- tions . D esi gna ted pa m- phlets. Lithographic copies of original portrait of Washington. George Was hin gto n atlas . George Was hin gto n map. Issue . cost . Outside printing, etc ., authorized . resolution entitled "Joint resolution authorizing an - appropriation fo r the participation of the United States in the preparation and completion of plans for the comprehensive observance of that great- est of all historic events, the bicentennial of the birthday of George Washington," approved December 2, 1924 (hereinafter referred to as the "commission"), is authorized and directed to prepare, as a co ngressional memorial to George Washington, a definitive edition of all his essential writings, public and private (excluding the diaries), including personal letters from the original manuscripts or first prints, and the general orders, at a cost not to exceed $56,000 for preparation of the manuscript . Such definitive edition shall be printed and bound at the Government Printing Office and shall be in about the same form as the already published diaries of George Washington and shall consist of twenty-five volumes, more or less . There shall be three thousand sets of such edition, two thousand of which shall be sold by the Superintendent of Documents at a cost equal to the total cost under this section of preparing the manuscript a nd pr intin g and bindi ng th e enti re ed ition . The commission sh all, upon issue of the final volume distribute the remaining one thousand sets as follows : Two each to the President, the library of the Senate, and the library of the House of Representatives ; twenty-five to the Library of Congress ; one to each member of the Cabinet ; one each to the Vice President and the Speaker of the House of Representa- t ive s ; one to each Senator, Representative in Congress, Delegate, and Resident Commissioner ; one each to the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives ; and one to each member and officer of the commission . The remaining sets shall be distr ibuted as t he co mmissi on di rects inclu ding such n umber of s ets as may be necessary for foreign exchange . The "u sual nu mbe r" for Congressional distribution and for depository libraries shall not be printed. To carry out the purpose of this paragraph there is a uthorized to be app ropriated the sum o f $157,975 , or so m uch th ereof as may be necessary, out of any money in the Treasury not ot herwise appropriated. SEc . 2 . (a) The commission is authorized and directed to- (1) Prepare, print, bind, and distribute one hundred thousand copies of a pamphlet entitled "Honor to George Washington," at a cost not to exceed $3,000 ; one hundred thousand copies of a pam- p hl et ent itl ed " Reading about George Washington," at a cost not to exceed $10,000 ; and two thousand copies of a pamphlet entitled "Directions for Celebration and Pageants," at a cost not to exceed 4000 ; ~(2) Prepare one hundred and twenty thousand photolithographic copies of the best approved original portrait of George Washing- ton, and deliver in tubes, ready for mailing, two hundred copies to each Senator, Representative in Congress, Delegate, and Resident Commissioner, at a cost not to exceed $7,000 ; (3) Prepare, print, bind, and distribute a George Washington atlas at a cost not to exceed $12,000 ; and (4) Collaborate with th e Library of Congress, State historical societies, authorities concerned with State history, and the National Ge ographic Society in the preparation of a George Washington map, sh owing places he visited or of which he was an inhabitant, which map shall bear the names of members of the commission, and shall be issued in a number of the National Geographic Magazine in an edition of about one million three hundred thousand copies, at a cost to the commission not to exceed $7,000 . (b) To carry out the provisions of this section only the commis- sion is authorized to have printing, binding, photolithography, and