Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1152

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1109 " SEc. 3 . That all minerals, including oil and gas, produced on or after April 26, 1931, from restricted allotted lands of members of the Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma, or from inherited re- stricted lands o f full-b lood Ind ian heir s or devi sees of such lan ds, shall be subject to all State and Federa l taxes of every kind and character the same as those produced from lands owned by other citizens of the State of Oklahom a ; and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be paid, from the individual Indian funds held under his supervision and control and belonging to the Indian owners of th e lands, the tax or taxes so assessed against the royalty interest of the respective Ind ian Proviso. owners in such oil, gas, and other mineral production : P rovi ded, Doub le tax ati on not That not hing in this Act shall be construed to impose or pro vide imposed- Gros s ed oproduction tax for double taxation and, in those cases where the machinery or assessed after July 1, 1931, if ml, etc ., pro- equipment Used in producing oil or other minerals on restricted ducmg machinery sub . Indian lands are subject to the ad valorem tax of the State of oaltto State 193 1 tax for fls- year . Oklahoma for the fiscal year end ing June 30, 1931 , the gr oss prod uc- tion tax which is in lieu thereof shall not be imposed prior to July 1, 1931 ." App roved, Februa ry 14, 1931 . Minerals produced from restricted lands of, subject to taxation after April 26, 1931 . Payments from funds of individual Indian owner . CHAP. 180 .-An Act To provide for the retention b y the United States of a Februa ry 14, 1931 . [H. R. 15867.1 site within the Hot Springs National Park formerly occu pied by the Arlington

[Public, No . 659 .] Hotel and Bathhouse, for park and landscape purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the site within the Hot Springs National Park fronting on Central Avenue and on Fountain Street, leased by the Secretary of the Interior pursuant to the authority of the Act of August 24, 1912, to the Arlington Hotel Company, and occupied by the hotel and bath- h ouse bui ldin g of said company until it burned on April 5, 1923, shall upon the expiration on March 6, 19 32, of the existing lease therefor with the said Arlington Hotel Company, be kept, retained, and maintained by the United States for pa rk and landscaping purposes ; and no new lease sha ll be granted by the Secretary of the Interior for the erection of another hotel, bathhouse, or other structure thereon . Approved, February 14, 1931 . not Springs National Pa rk . Site of Arling ton ho- tel and bathhouse to be retained on expiration of lease . Mai nte na nce by United States for park, etc , purposes . New lease not to he granted . February 14, 1931 . CHAP. 1 81 .-An Act To authorize the widening of Piney Branch Road northwest in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o Amer ica in C ongr ess asse mble d, That the Commis- District of Columbia. f


Piney Branch Road . sioners of the District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, authorized Condemnation of land for widening . to institute in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia under Vol. 34, p .151. subchapter 1 of chapter 15 of the Code of Law for the District of Description. Colu mbia , an d am endm ents thereto, a proceeding in rem to con demn the l and necessary for the wi den ing of Piney Bra nch R oad to a width of ninety feet from Butternut Street to the Metropolitan Branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, in the vicinity of Fern Place northwe st, in the Di strict of Col umbia, the lan d herein aut ho riz ed to be condemned for s aid widening bei ng a strip of land twenty-eight and one-half feet wide along the westerly line of Pi ney Branch Roa d, as now pub lic ly ow ned b etw een Butternut Street and Blair Road through squares 3171 and 3174, and a strip [H. R. 16479.] [Public, No . 660 .]