Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1163

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. III . C$. 187. 1931 . Balance for new con- ended balance for new construction under this head, contained in at edct ionr eapp ropr i- the Act of March 4, 1929 (45 Stat ., p . 1567), is herey reappropri- Vol.45,p.1567. ated and made available for construction of physical improvements Provisos .

until June 30, 1932 : Provided, That this appropriation shall be Supervision of e°n- struction,

available for the payment of salaries and expenses of persons employed in the supervision of construction or repair work of roads and bridges on Indian reservations and other lands devoted to the New constr uction Indian Service : Provided further, That not more than $3,500 shall be limited . ce

expended for new construction at any one agency except as follows Exceptions . Not to exceed $12,000 for employees' building . Blackfeet Agency, Montana ; $10,000 for employees' building and $20,00 0 for fo ur' employees' cottages, Shoshone Agency, Wyoming ; $7,500 for two e mploy ees' cott ages, Hoop a Va lley Agenc y, C alifo rnia ; $8,000 for two employees' cottages, Cherokee Agency, North Carolina ; $8,000 for three employees' cottages, Zuni Agency, New Mexico . Telephone line

For the purchase of supplies and equipment and the employment Oallup, N . Mes . and

purchase zuni Agency .

of labor for the construction and repair of telephone lines between JicaeLaReservation, G N. Mex. Gallup , New Mexico, and the Zuni Ind ian Agency ; a nd wi thi n t he Jicarilla Reservation, New Mexico, $23,000 . Allowance for main- Not to exceed $160,000 of applicable appropriations made herein tenance. for the Bureau of Indian Affairs shall be available for the main- tenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled and horse-drawn pas senger-c arrying v ehicles for the use of s uperinten dents, f armers, physicians, field matrons, allotting, irrigation, and other employees Pu rcha ses

in the Indian field service : Provided, That not to exceed $1,000 may urchases limited .

y be used in the purchase of horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles, and not to exceed $125,000 for the purchase and exchange of motor- propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, and that such vehicles shall be used only for offi cial servi ce . Emer gency allow- ante by diversions from That to meet possible emergencies not exceeding $100,000 of the sp ecifi ed a ppro pria - appropriations made by this Act for support of reservation and tions . nonreservation schools, for school and agency buildings, and for conservation of health among Indians shall be available, upon approval of the Secretary of the Interior, for replacing any buildings, equipment, supplies, livestock, or other property of those activities of the Indian Service above referred to which may be destroyed or Provisos . Building construe- rendered unserviceable by fire, flood, or storm : Provided, That the ti0 . .11." d .

lim itations for new construc tion con tained i n the app ropriati ons for Indian school, agency, and hospital buildings shall not apply to such Report t o Congress . emergency expenditures : Provided further, That any dive rsion s of appropriations made hereunder shall be reported to Congress in the annual Budget . ings . Attendance at meet

Not to exceed $12,000 shall be available from applicable funds for expenses (not membership fees) of employees of the Indian Service when authorized by the Secretary of the Interior to attend meetings of medical, health, educational, agricultural, and industrial associa- Sio ua Tri be'

tions in the interest of work among the Indians . Claims of individual The unexpended balance of the appropriation of $12,000 contained mem bers .

in the Inte rior Depar tmen t App ropri atio n Act for the fisca l yea r 1931, for investigating, hearing, and determining the claims of indi- Ante, a available . vidual members of the Sioux Tribe against tribal funds, or against we p. 2ss.

the United States, as authorized by the Act of May 3, 198 (45 gStat., p . 484), shall rema in available until June 30, 1932 . Probate m atters . EXP EN SES IN PROBATE MAT TE RS Determining heirs of For the purpose of determining th e heirs of deceased Indian allottees.

al lotte es ha ving righ t, ti tle, or in tere st in any trust or restr icted prop - erty , under r egulatio ns presc ribed by the Sec retary of the Int erior,