Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1195

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SEV ENT Y- FIR ST CONGRESS : "SEss . III . Csr. 187 . 1931 . Platt, Okla. Ro cky Mo untain , Qol o. Sequ oia, Calif. Wind Cave, S. Dak. Yellowstone, Wyo . available for completion of a checking station, $5,500 for two em- ployees' quarters, $14,800 for five comfort stations ; in all, $195,000 . Platt National Park, Oklahoma : For administration, protection, and maintenance, including not exceeding $800 for the purchase, main tenan ce, oper ation , an d re pair of m otor -driv en p asse nger- carr y- ing vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in con- nection with general park work, $19,900 ; for construction of physical improvements, $16,000, including not exceeding $15,000 for one-third of the cost of constructing a sewer line and disposal plant outside the boundaries of the park, the remaining cost of construction, operation, and maintenance to be borne by the city of Sulphur, Oklahoma ; in all, $35,900 . Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado : For administration, protection, and maintenance, including not exceeding $2,100 for the purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-driven pas- senger-carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connection with general park work, $95,000 ; f o r c o n - struction of physical improvements, $23,800, including not exceeding $16,800 for the construction of buildings, of which not exceeding $4,400 shall be available for road camp buildings, $4,800 for an emplo yee's quart ers, $3,00 0 for two shelte r cab ins, $2,00 0 for a ran ger station ; in all, $118,800 . Sequoia National Park, California : For administration, protec- tion, and maintenance, including not exceeding $2,600 for the pur- chase, maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-driven passenger- carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connection with general park work, $112,300 ; for construction of phys ical impr ovem ents, $44 ,600 , inc ludi ng n ot ex ceed ing $16,5 00 f or the construction of buildings, of which not exceeding $4,200 shall be available for an employees' quarters, $2,700 for two comfort sta- tions, $4,800 for a ranger cabin, $2,000 for an addition to the super- intendent's residence, $2,000 for completion of the administration building ; in all, $156,900. Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota : For administration, protection, and maintenance, including not exceeding $800 for the purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-driven pas- senger-carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connection with general park work, $18,000 ; f o r c o n - struc tion of p hysi cal impro veme nts, $7,2 00, incl uding not exc eedin g $3,000 for the construction of a mess house, $3,500 for an employees' quarters, $700 for a garage ; in all, $25,200 . Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming : For administration, pro- tection, and maintenance, including not exceeding $7,700 for the purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-driven pas- senger-carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and emp loyees , in connecti on with general park work, not exceeding $8,400 for maintenance of the road in the national forest leading out of the park from the east boundary, not exceeding $7,500 for mainte- nance of the road in the national forest leading out of the park from the south boundary, and including feed for buffalo and other animals and salaries of buffalo keepers, $462,800 ; for construction of physical improvements, $98,000, including not exceeding $59,000 for extension of water and sewer systems, not exceeding $5,000 for auto camps, and not exceeding $32,000 for the construction of build- ings, of which not exceeding $1,800 shall be available for a comfort station, $2,300 for a mess house, $1,700 for a bunk house, $4,800 for an incinerator, $4,000 for an addition to Lake Ranger Station, $2,800 for a checking station, $13,000 for two employees' quarters ; in all, $560,800 .