SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III . CHS .217, 218 . 1931 . Nevada, containing eighty acres ; and that patent shall, after such Provisos .
purchase, issue to said company therefor : Provided, Th at the me Applicati on and pay- Western Pacific Rail road Comanfile in the distr ict land offic e at Carson City, Nevada, an application for the said lands, and tender payment therefor at the price fixed herein within sixty days of the r Miv ne e d ral, etc ., rights passage of this Act : Provided further, That patent issued under the provisions of this Act shall be subject to and contain a reservation to the United States of all the coal and other minerals in the land so patented, except sand and gravel, together with the right to prospect for, mine, and remove the same . Approved, February 18, 1931 . February 18
CHAP . 218 .-An Act To am end the Or gan ic Act of Po rto Rico, app ro ved
[S .5138.1 [Public, No. 677.]
March 2, 1917 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representativ es of the Porto Rico civil gov- United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 13 of ernment . Vol . 39, p. 9 55, an Act entitled "An Act to provide a civil government for Porto amended .
Rico, and for other purposes," approved March 2, 1917, be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows me ecutive dep art - " SEC. 13 . That the following executive departments are hereby Department of Labor created : A Department of Justice, the head of which shall be desig- created .
nated as the Attorney General ; a Department of Finance, the head of which shall be designated as the Treasurer ; a Department of Interior, the head of which shall be designated as the Commissioner of the Interior ; a Department of Education, the head of which shall c,Depatmentaf Agri- be designated as the Commissioner of Education ; a Department of Commerce . Agriculture and Commerce, the head of which shall be designated as the Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce ; a Department of Labor, the head of which shall be designated as the Commissioner of La b or ; and a Department o f Health, the head of which shall be designated as the Commissioner of Health . The Attorney General r esppointmentsbythe and Commissioner of Education shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate of the United States, to hold office for four years and until their successors are appointed and qualified, unless sooner removed by the President . By the Gover nor . The heads of the five r emaining depa rtments shall be appointed by the governor , by and with the advice a nd consent of the Senate of Tenure . Porto Rico . The heads of departments appointed by the governor shall hold office for the term of four years and until their successors are appointed and qualified, unless sooner removed by the governor . Residence. t` Heads of departments shall reside in Porto Rico during their official incumbency, and those appointed by the governor shall have resided in Porto Rico for at least one year prior to their appointment . Executive council .
" The heads of departments shall collectively form a council to the Formation, duties, reports, etc. governor, known as the executive council . They shall perform, under the general supervision of the governor, the duties hereinafter pre- scribed, or which may hereafter be prescribed by law, and such other duties, not inconsistent with law, as the governor, with the approval of the President, may assign to them ; and they shall make annual and such other reports to the governor as he may require, which shall be transmitted to the executive department of the Government of the United States to be designated by the President as herein provided Provieo .
Provided, That the duties herein imposed upon the heads of depart- No extra pay
meats shall not carry with them any additional compensation ." amen . d39, p. 95 7, S E c . 2 . That section 1S of the said Orga nic Act, appr oved March 2, 1917, be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows Commissioner of A g - " SEc. 18 . That t he Com missio ner o f Agri cultur e and Comme rce riculture and Com- merce .
, hal l have genera l charge of s uch bureaus an d branches of govern-