Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1239

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SE VEN TY- FIR ST CONGRESS . SEss . III . Cas.242244. 1931 . February 20,1931 .

CHAP. 242 .-An Act To authorize the construction on Government Is lan d,

Is .6 105 .1 . Alameda, California, of b uildings required by the Bureau of Public Roads and [Public, No. 099 .] Forest Se rv ice of the De par tm ent of Agriculture and the Coast Gu ard of the Treasury Department . Be it enacted by the Senate a nd House o f Repre sentat ives o f th e United States of America in Congress assembled, That upon accept- ance of title by the United States to land on Government Island, in the city of Alameda, California, conveyed under authority of joint resolution of July 3, 1930 (46 Stat . 1018), the Secretary of Agri- culture be, and he is hereby, authorized to cause plans to be pre- pared, by contract or otherwise and to construct on said land such buildings as may be required ~a) by the Bureau of Public Roads Department of Agri- and the Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture for a supply culture. Treasury Depart. depot, warehouse, and shops; (b) by the Coast Guard of the Treas- ment. ury Department for a supply depot, warehouse, shops, garage, liv- ing quarters for seventy-five men, and a marine railway for boats approximately seventy-five feet in length; and (c) by the Bureau bu oint gdmiII79trativ e of Public Roads, Forest Service, and Coast Guard for a joint ad mini stra tive bu ildi ng . Approp riati on an- SEc. 2. For the

of carrying out the provisions of this Act tho rized . purpose and the preparation of the site for the buildings authorized hereby, including necessary roads, streets, and bridges, there is hereby author- ized t o be appropri ated, out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $800,000 . Appro ved, Februar y 20, 1931 . Government Island, Calif. Const ructio n of buildings on, author- ized . Ante, p. 1018. Post, p. 1503 . February 20, 1931 . [H. R . 10652.1 CHAP. 243.-An Act to Authorize the Secretary of Commerce to purchase [Public, No . 7 00 .1 la nd and to construct buildings and facilities sui ta ble for ra dio research investigations . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Commerce be, and he is hereby, authorized to acquire, by purchase or otherwise, for the Bureau of Standards a parcel of land in the vicinity of the District of Columbia, not in excess of two hundred acres, provided a suitable site now owned by the Government is not available for the purpose, and to construct thereon buildings, facilities, and equipment suitable for experimental researches in the propagation and reception of radio signals and also to construct upon land now owned by the Government in the vicinity of the District of Columbia, which may be made available for that purpose by any department having jurisdiction thereof, buildings, facilities, and e quipme nt sui table for an exper imenta l radi o tran smitti ng stat ion. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated to carry out the foregoing purposes the sum of not to exceed $147,000 . Approved, February 2 0, 1931 . Radio research in- vestigations . Purchase of land and construction of build- ings for Bureau of Standards, authorized . A pprop riati on au . tbor ized . Post, p . 1564. February 1 20, 9 7

[H. R. uss 7 .1 J

CHAP. 24 4 . -An Act To provide for the appointment of an additional dis- [Public, No . 701 .[ ' trict judge for the southern district of Illinois . Be it enacted b y the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, T hat the Pres i- dent of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, an additional judge of the District Court of the United States for the Southe rn Di strict of Il linoi s . Approved, February 20, 1931 . United States courts. Illinois Southern Dis. trict . Additional judge for . Vol. 36, p . 1110. U.S 0., p. 879 .